Jan 20, 2006 20:47
So the past two weeks, have really helped me realize some stuff
There are always going to be people who love you && people who hate you, && According to one of my best friends, espically when it comes to me because I "have a strong personality that you either love or hate"
Some times you're gonna hurt people, && they'll strike back by acting like a lowdown jackass, but you can prove that you're so much better then that by refusing to stoop to their level.
At times you're gonna fall so hard for a guy only to have him turn around and blow you off, but just remember, you'll get through it, espically with the help of your friends.
You'll make new friends, but as you do that, you'll fade away from others. That doesn't mean you don't still care about them, it just means you've both changed and need to accept it.
You're always going to wish there were things you hadn't done, but you can just use those expierences to grow. There's no changing whats happened, && you shouldn't wanna, because it helps shape you into who you are.
This is highschool... expect it to hurt like hell, while at the same time, be funner then anything else you'll ever do. You'll make mistakes, do things you never though you would, and weather you mean to or not, hurt yourself && others, and then wonder what the hell you were thinking. Eventually, the mistakes will turn into distant memories, you'll wonder what the big deal was, and the pain will dull...
In the mean time, wear summer clothes in the winter, drink smoothies in 30 degree weather, walk around the commons listening to your ipod, have trouble figuring out how to throw your smoothies away, laugh until you can barely breathe because your friends won't let you back in line, && put salt, ketchup, && relish on the popcorn, && cherish the memory because you'll do it all with a smile on your face because you're making memories you'll never forget.