(no subject)

Jul 02, 2007 10:10

    Last Thursday, my mom and I got into a bad car accident. An Indian guy hit us from the back with his big ass van. He hit us so hard that my phone literally FLEW out of my hand and hit the window then it pushed us so hard that we hit the car in front of us. He tried to blame it on my mom, but it was his fault. He was going full speed because there was a truck in between our car and his car and it went to the right lane and i guess the guy wasn't paying attention but he hit us, full speed. It hurt like hell. I was talking to TJ while it happened and he said he heard me screaming and crying and my mom telling me to "calm down." but it hurt so bad and i was so scared. I couldn't feel the side of my face. My mom got out of the car and i called the police. They were there so quickly, it amazed me. When the police got there, my mom told them her child was in the car, crying because she's hurt. And the police talked to me for a while and the next thing you know, two ambulances and one firetruck arrived, just for me. They checked my head and my neck and then left. The indian guy ended up getting in trouble for following too close to us and not paying attention. I went to see a doctor. I have bad whip lash and bruises on my stomach. it sucks!! But i'm okay now. I get really bad headaches every now and then though.. damn indians (no offense.) My mom's car may not even be driveable anymore. The muffler fell out and down to the ground (look at the 2nd picture.) and the front is messed up.
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