I have one of these bloggie things now...

Jun 11, 2005 17:12

These are, like, totally in fashion right now, so I totally registered for one. It's so awesome~ Like, I can't wait to figure out all these little dillies and stuff. I know it looks like totally blah right now, but just wait until I get this whole personalized thing figure out -- my journal will totally be a fashion hot spot.

Just like me! OMG!

So, like, what did I do today....

I bought a couple of boxes of chocolate Pocky. Oh my god, traditional is always the best. I bought a couple of new pairs of pants -- nothing that just, like, totally blows you AWAY, but they'll look totally awesome in my closet (like everything else). Oh, and I found, like, this little orange daisy plant, and it's sitting next to my computer. Sooooo cool.

I wish I went to, like, one of the cooler schools with the cooler uniforms. Our uniforms are SO out of date. I mean, the all black thing? Totally out there! The style is just NOT complimenting ANY of my beautiful features, and it just, like, totally offends me. I want to like, cry or something.

Oh my god, this journal thing is gonna be soooooo great.
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