okay, dont you hate when people make up stupid rumors. like i mean REALLY stupid ones. like ones where you either YOU HAVE AN STD or YOU SHOOT UP HERION
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anna, i dont know if what im gonna say is gonna help you since OBVIOUSLY u havent taken my advice in the past, but i guess its worth a try. ur gonna have to get used to the fact that when you do slutty things, it comes back to haunt you. when you sleep around, no matter what.. its gonna come back and bite you in the ass. girls arent gonna like you, guys are gonna use you, and people are gonna spread the wildest rumors that they can whether they are true or not. When you do drugs, and make it known that you do drugs, people are gonna come up with new things and new drugs that you "do" and ur gonna get fucked in the long run whether it be by the cops, or with a bad reputation. as far as im concerned, and i used to think i knew you pretty well, you are fucking yourself over more and more everyday. you dont listen to anyone whos trying to help you. you're young, u have ur whole life to do whatever the fuck u want. and even though im not that much older than you, u have to take some advice from someone whos older, someone whos been through it all before. you're losing all your friends cuz ur making so many bad choices. if u dont treat ur friends right, they turn on you on a fucking dime. BELIEVE ME. dont try to make yourself feel better with this "im a pimp" bullshit cuz deep down u know ur not. ur just turning into every other slut in port orange. but only u can stop it. so dont say you hate people that say that shit, cuz if it wasnt for your actions, they wouldve never said a word.
ur gonna have to get used to the fact that when you do slutty things, it comes back to haunt you. when you sleep around, no matter what.. its gonna come back and bite you in the ass. girls arent gonna like you, guys are gonna use you, and people are gonna spread the wildest rumors that they can whether they are true or not. When you do drugs, and make it known that you do drugs, people are gonna come up with new things and new drugs that you "do" and ur gonna get fucked in the long run whether it be by the cops, or with a bad reputation. as far as im concerned, and i used to think i knew you pretty well, you are fucking yourself over more and more everyday. you dont listen to anyone whos trying to help you. you're young, u have ur whole life to do whatever the fuck u want. and even though im not that much older than you, u have to take some advice from someone whos older, someone whos been through it all before. you're losing all your friends cuz ur making so many bad choices. if u dont treat ur friends right, they turn on you on a fucking dime. BELIEVE ME. dont try to make yourself feel better with this "im a pimp" bullshit cuz deep down u know ur not. ur just turning into every other slut in port orange. but only u can stop it. so dont say you hate people that say that shit, cuz if it wasnt for your actions, they wouldve never said a word.
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