Jan 05, 2011 13:22


[Hello, Luceti! If you're out and about today, you might notice a girl making her way between House 53 to C4 with a box (via the most direct route, of course- those boxes aren't that light). If you watch further, you'll notice her going back to where she came from, only to emerge again with another box. Rinse and repeat ( Read more... )

clumsy clumsy, moving time!, everyone disappears

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[voice] purpledemoneyes January 5 2011, 07:36:02 UTC


[written] liketofu January 5 2011, 08:40:13 UTC
[The reply comes later- much later after she's moved in, or has at least settled down with her boxes. It won't be voice, though- and the camera's been obscured.]

Sorry for taking so long, I didn't know my journal was turned on. It was cold today. [This is followed by a smiley face]


[written] purpledemoneyes January 5 2011, 21:16:43 UTC
[That gives Tsuzuki time to stop by the bakery and fetch some donuts.]

Yes, it wasn't a good weather to be out in. :( Were you out and looking for Nanako?


[written] liketofu January 6 2011, 09:51:59 UTC
[She'll add a "SUPER" on top of the word cold in her previous answer. And underline it a few times for emphasis.]

No, I was moving my stuff out.


[written] purpledemoneyes January 6 2011, 23:12:46 UTC
[Tsuzuki draws stars around her "SUPER".]

You're leaving? Won't your housemates miss you?


[written] liketofu January 7 2011, 08:13:57 UTC

It was mostly just me and Nanako at home.


[written] purpledemoneyes January 7 2011, 16:11:46 UTC
[Tsuzuki draws an... inkblot, by accident. He thinks about how lonely it must be to have your only housemate leave you.]

Do you want to come and live in 49? We have a spare bedroom. It's never quiet in the house, though. Be warned.

[There's several small musical notes drawn next to the message.]


[written] liketofu January 7 2011, 19:09:16 UTC
[It is a while before the next reply comes- though it could easily be because she's thinking of what to write. Or mopping the floor. Or both.]

Thank you, thank you! But it's okay, I have somewhere to stay already! There's lots of people around here.

[--and accompanied by a doodle of what looks like...a house? If you squint hard enough.]


[written] purpledemoneyes January 8 2011, 06:16:20 UTC
I'm glad to hear that. Where did you end up moving to?

[It looks more like a land mower, Rise. Tsuzuki draws grass around it, then question marks.]


[written] liketofu January 8 2011, 17:28:26 UTC

[But the building has grass around it! So she'll just add a tiny smiling flower beside the grass.]


[written] purpledemoneyes January 9 2011, 08:54:20 UTC
Do you need any help getting settled in?

[Tsuzuki draws a bird sitting on top of the land-mower, holding a cherry in its beak.]


[written] liketofu January 9 2011, 10:49:12 UTC
[That's...a very big bird, sitting on top of a community building. And unfortunately, that's a very big no because she mostly wants the time to sort her head out for a bit.]

I'll be fine! There's just lots of unpacking to do and this place is VERY VERY dusty. Not fit for guests till I get it all clean!


[written] purpledemoneyes January 11 2011, 15:28:35 UTC
[Tsuzuki may act stupid, but he knows how emotions work. In case he's wrong, he tries again.]

Are you sure? I could help with the cleaning. Don't listen to Hisoka. I do too clean sometimes.


[written] liketofu January 11 2011, 16:51:57 UTC
Definitely! If I can't learn to clean my own house, I'll never learn!!!


[written] purpledemoneyes January 14 2011, 18:10:49 UTC
So.... Some other time, then?


[written] liketofu January 14 2011, 19:12:09 UTC
Yeah. [She hesitates a moment before adding-] Let's make it a promise, okay?

[It probably wouldn't take her more than a few days to be able to wear a smile around everything again and having to do that today had been more draining than she'd liked.]


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