Jan 05, 2011 13:22


[Hello, Luceti! If you're out and about today, you might notice a girl making her way between House 53 to C4 with a box (via the most direct route, of course- those boxes aren't that light). If you watch further, you'll notice her going back to where she came from, only to emerge again with another box. Rinse and repeat ( Read more... )

clumsy clumsy, moving time!, everyone disappears

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eidolon_soul January 5 2011, 07:30:11 UTC
[Rydia's taking a walk, her cloak drawn tight around her. Upon spotting a certain girl heading in her direction, the summoner perks up and waves.]

Hello, Rise!


liketofu January 5 2011, 08:24:39 UTC
[Her hands are empty since she's on her way back to House 53 for another box, so she'd been previously walking and staring a little at the ground in front of her. At the sound of Rydia's voice, though, she'll pause for the briefest of moments before looking up as she slips easily into her usual smile and raises a hand to wave in return.]

Morning, Rydia.


eidolon_soul January 5 2011, 18:43:25 UTC
[She smiles warmly in turn.]

What brings you out here this morning?


liketofu January 6 2011, 09:43:57 UTC
Well...this. [She raises her box slightly.] I'm moving to another building, so I thought it'd be best to start early.

You know, in case it snows again.


eidolon_soul January 6 2011, 20:43:25 UTC
Do you want some help? I'm not so busy that I can't lend a hand for a bit.


...nix that part about raising the box, I forgot that she had empty hands, derp. /)_(\ liketofu January 7 2011, 08:09:00 UTC
[Ah...] No, it's okay. I don't have that many, so I should be able to handle them on my own.


eidolon_soul January 7 2011, 21:45:58 UTC
[Rydia nods.]

As long as you're sure. It is a bit windy out, isn't it? Not too bad for a walk, but I wouldn't want to have to be out here.


liketofu January 8 2011, 17:26:10 UTC
It sure is. It's way better than yesterday, at least- I thought it'd start snowing again then with all that cold.


eidolon_soul January 8 2011, 22:00:24 UTC
[Rydia wrinkles her nose.]

I'll be glad when winter's done. At least the days are starting to lengthen again? I don't want to keep you out here too long, though.


liketofu January 9 2011, 10:12:24 UTC
It's okay.

Oh...um, right. I won't be coming in for the next few days; I have to get everything settled over here. [She rubs the back of her neck] You know, new place, unpacking...getting used to the neighbours...


eidolon_soul January 9 2011, 22:13:57 UTC
[She nods, understanding.]

It's no problem. Take what time you need, of course. We'll still be there when you're settled in.


1/2 liketofu January 10 2011, 02:39:51 UTC


liketofu January 10 2011, 02:39:59 UTC
I'll be back before you know it, though! And...I guess I'll see you around then, okay?


eidolon_soul January 10 2011, 04:09:06 UTC
[Rydia nods cheerfully.]

You will! Later, Rise!

[She waves, then continues on her way.]


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