Jan 24, 2006 13:47
Which means I don't have choir at all this week. I still love singing and all, but when you work on the same piece of music day in an day out with people who can't really sing very well...it gets old really fast. But singing with iTunes, that still rocks.
This last week has been mighty busy. It turns out I worked 22 hours the first week back to school. That is one thing I do not want to repeat anytime soon. At least not until the summer. I have scheduled work every weekday. And sometimes on the weekend if I get scheduled to ref, which doesn't happen too often. But I'm still working about 13 hours a week on average. That's enough for me. Classes are going well, nothing special to mention. I take a lot of notes so my hand is kind of always sore, it will be worth the good grades. I haven't skipped a class yet either, something I hope to continue for the semester. I don't want to get sick, not even a little bit.
I've managed to write a letter each week to a friend. I hope I have time everyweek to keep that up. I hope she does too. Getting mail is just about the best thing that can happen to a bad day.
Right now I'm wasting time in the computer lab waiting for chem lab, which starts in an hour. I don't really have anything to say, or at least nothing that I want to put here.
It's snowing like no one's business. The weather report said we were supposed to get 3 inches last night. As of now, 2pm, I think we have gotten about 6 inches in the last 12 hours. And it doesn't look like its going to stop anytime soon. I feel bad for the rink staff, there are only three people out and the snow is wet and really heavy. They are definitely going to be sore tomorrow. I hate shoveling that kind of snow. Even the fluffy stuff makes me sore.
I've found some fun websites online that have free instructions for folding origami things. I know...I'm such a loser, but I like it. One place has directions for a Biplane, it has 141 steps. I want to try it, but I have a feeling it will be soooo hard and not worth my time. We'll see...maybe in the future when I get better at this whole folding thing. You know.
Mmmm...exams start next week. I have my linear algebra mid-term on Wednesday and my first Physics exam on Thursday. But that also means no Mastering Physics until after Winter Carnival, and an easier time in lin alg, as in, nothing to study for right away. I'm hoping my other teachers will be just as nice. After WC only three weeks until spring break, so it's still 5 weeks or a little more away, but still something to look forward to. Going home, no more homework, good food, shopping? and the Vibe, provided GM is still a company as we know them now.
My dad will be coming up to Tech once a month this semester. He was already here in January to snowmobile, though the weather sucked for that, warm and no snow. Feb he is coming up with the family to see the statues and me. March he is coming up to judge the Clean Snowmobile competition. He's really excited for that. April for another advisory board meeting. So that means he will be driving 4,000 miles in 4 months, just to come to Michigan Tech. That would be awful, I have to say. The drive is so long and boring.
Ok, that's all I got, and that only wasted about 20 minutes, so I still have about 50 before lab starts. Woo-hoo.