FIC: Love and the Art of Firearm Maintenance (SGA Slash)

Feb 09, 2010 19:26

Title: Love and the Art of Firearm Maintenance written for the Continuing Education Challenge at sga_flashfic 
Genre: slash, romance, h/c, angst, name it, we have it.
Characters: John and Rodney
Rating: T.
Word count: ~ 10,000
Warning: None
Spoilers: anything up through season 5
Author Notes: Thanks as always to Koshka for the quick beta.  This fic is based on one of my twitterfics but 280 characters couldn't really tell the whole story.  Original twitfic can be found here.
Summary:  Rodney McKay had never really been interested in gun maintenance. John Sheppard was about to change that.

stargate atlantis, john sheppard, fan fiction, rodney mckay

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