FIC: Never Say Never (I Might Like You Better If We Slept Together) (SGA AU Slash)

Jun 15, 2013 09:54

Title: Never  Say Never (I Might Like You Better if We Slept Together) Or Five Time John and Rodney Tried to Keep Secrets and One Time They No Longer Had To
Genre: slash with some h/c, romance, humor, etc
Characters: John and Rodney
Rating: T.
Word count: ~ 17,700
Warning: None
Spoilers: Not much since its  AU but it has shades of actual events
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stargate atlantis, john sheppard, fanfic, slash, rodney mckay

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Comments 4

patk June 16 2013, 21:18:55 UTC
>>Missing scenes and slash follow-up to Never Wanted to Dance (With Nobody But You).<<

I'm in heaven! :-)


rattlecatcher June 18 2013, 05:41:08 UTC
Oh, thank you! Love this. Flappy handed love for it. Loved the first one, too, and glad I re-read it so I was up on what was happening.


anonymous July 12 2013, 17:45:16 UTC
This is awesome! Please, please, please say you'll continue to write SGA fanfic. I've soooo missed you!


OM(F)G valiree August 3 2014, 19:54:12 UTC
A new fic from you (yeah, I know, you posted it one year ago but I just saw your post). I will read it on the beach. BEST. BEGINNING. OF. THE. HOLIDAYS. EVER. Merci !


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