New Gen SGA Zine: Jumper 4

May 12, 2011 22:45

It's that time of year...MediaWest Zines!  I once again tribbed to Brate's wonderful gen SGA Jumper zine.  Below is her announcement with details:

Hello, everyone! I wanted to announce this year's edition of the Stargate:
Atlantis zine, "Jumper Four," will be premiering Memorial Day weekend at the
MediaWest Convention in Lansing, Michigan. We have some favorite authors
returning, and a couple new ones ready to show off their skills!

Red Flag by liketheriver

Attacked by "allies" off-world, Sheppard struggles to keep Rodney alive. [18 pages]

High and Dry by Brate

Sheppard is separated from his team and left to die. [4 pages]

The Dig: Outsider POV by Blue Abyss

A research mission turns deadly. [25 pages]

Down Time by Stealth Dragon

On Earth, the team is ordered to take a vacation. What could go wrong? [8 pages]

From the Grave by JJJunky

The team goes off world and finds trouble. [15 pages]

Test Flight by Gemini

John and Rodney take an experimental jumper out for a spin. [8 pages]

Misplaced by K Hanna Korossy

On another world, a team member is lost, hurt, and surrounded by strangers. [18 pages]

Down the Rabbit Hole by Sasha St. John

Sheppard and McKay are forced to hide and wait for rescue. [12 pages]

The Dig: Team POV by Blue Abyss

The Dig: Outsider POV told by the other side of the equation. [35 pages]

Caring for Your Colonel by Brate

One of Rodney's jobs is to make sure his leader stays sane. Not an easy task. [5 pages]

Scourge by Frisco/Wildcat88

Michael gets revenge from beyond the grave. [33 pages]

The zine format is a perfect-bound paperback, and contains 181 pages of fic.
Story titles and summaries are listed at the site. All of the stories are brand
new, and will not be posted online for a year after publication.

The zine is $15 in person at the con, and $17.50 mail (cont. U.S.). We take
Paypal, or you can email me for an address where you can send a check or money

Again this year this will be a limited print run. Once we run out, the zine will
be distributed through Agent with Style, using their format and pricing.

I look forward to seeing you at the con, or hearing from you online!


My fic, Red Flag, is pure old school, straight up, H/C....whumped Rodney, angsty Sheppard...just the way I like them. *G*  I received my copy in the mail this week and it's a gorgeous zine.  So Go! Order it!  What are you waiting for?

Also, my fic, Dangling Participles, from Jumper 3 expires on June 1, so expect to see it posted here around that date.  Also turned in my Genficathon fic to, hopefully, be claimed by someone to make accompanying artwork before the posting begins in June.  It's a fun addition to the ficathon that I can't wait to see!

Yay, fanfic!

stargate atlantis, zine, fanfiction

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