Feb 05, 2006 13:30
i have a japanese friend here. hes 26. hes never taken spanish before. but hes going to live here for 3 years and get his masters in spanish. but thats not what i would like to discuss.
he went to IU bloomington, im not sure how long. but i think he graduated from there. he has a thick japanese accent. hearing him speak, one would not think him fluent in a language. but after hanging out with him a few days i have come to the conclusion that he would be able to understand everything that i will ever talk about perfectly. and he could probably talk about it with me. but his accent hides his fluency. so everytime he said something funny the first few times i hung out with him i was taken aback bc there always seemed to be a language barrier, but there isnt.
its interesting bc i probably didnt treat him like i would a friend of mine not bc im racist, but bc it is more difficult to befriend someone if there are language barriers. but there arent i now realize, so i will probably act differently towards him. more of a friend and less of an acquaintance