Everyone who reads this, who I know in real life, has gotten the e-mail, but I just have to mark the occasion by mentioning that my friends N&MD have had a boy. I mentioned the pregnancy
back in June. She's 39, this is her first, and from what I was told, everything went swimmingly. And, as I've mentioned before, the mom is the one who gave me the title at the top of my lj page, "How many pins can you stick in the head of an angel?"
I have been given the green light to visit them, so I may do that after cleaning myself--and the dishes--up. I was intent on working on submittals/rejections for the magazine, but I can't seem to get anywhere at the moment. I need to look over the possibles, the ones I put in the "good" folder, but I'm not sure about the rejections. This is when it gets dicey, I suppose. The "high" rejections are the most difficult. Those are pieces in which you can give encouragemnt and ask them to submit again. That's the thing--I don't know if my "high" rejections are up to that level.
Then I take the possible accepted pieces and also place them into levels of 1, 2 or 3. I think there are 3, out of 10, that get into the #1 folder. I hope to talk to the editor at some point about what I accept, and why he does or does not like my choices. We were supposed to do that last time, but he's had major software problems.
Ok, time for dishes. mda made dinner last night (a v.nice curried cod w/rice) and he had to negotiate around the dishes in the sink.