Dec 14, 2013 20:36
Life of Riley: "The New Foreman" 12/01/1950Casual sexism is always good to hear. In this case, the new foreman has an ugly daughter, which we get to hear a lot about.
So, Riley is getting a date with the foreman's ugly daughter (in hope that he can keep his job).
Well, now Riley is dating this woman & it makes me feel sick about listening to all this stuff.
And nicely, she turned him down, because she wasn't attracted to him. Fortunately, this got him out of the problems with his boss.
Rocky Fortune: "Carnival One Way" 12/08/1953Frank Sinatra in a radio show in the early '50s. I can't quite figure out why that's going on.
Anyway, so Rocky Fortune has gone to the carnival, hung out with a little boy who had run away, then might have been kidnapped.... Ah - Rocky Fortune got knocked out. A lot of concussions happen in this stories. It's always a convenient plot device.
Oh! It turns out to have been a nasty custody battle: the little boy went to find his mom who works for the carnival. "Carnie life might not be the best thing in the world, but at least we'll be together!"
Well, it turns out that the kid's grandparents realized that the boy must have loved his mother so much that they'll allow her to live with them, and him. See?
Oh, good: the Federal Civil Defense Department is telling us how we can survive an atomic attack over the air.
Andrews Sisters: "Christmas Island" 01/01/1946it's hard to believe I used to see them on old movies on UHF on Saturdays while growing up (and frequently on Abbott & Costello movies).
Dr. Kildare "Arthur Morgan’s Brain Surgery" 12/08/1950Another time of marveling at the genius of doctors who always listen to their patients.
Gee, a guy got hit by the car & Dr. Kildare was there so came in during this emergency. Man - Dr. Karu (sp.) certainly seems to have never heard of an emergency before. Of course, none of these doctors have ever seen current prime time television.
Dr. Gillespie tricks the wife of the hurt man to signing the surgery consent form, so that's all good.
Suspense: "Mission Completed" 12/01/1949Jimmy Stewart staring in a "special Pearl Harbor drama". Ew - and it starts in the hospital & he can't communicate except move (but for blinking his eyes - OIY!!).
Oh: and he's found the guy (Suki) who ran the Japanese prison camp. As a result, he's able to move.
Aww - he called one of the guys he was in the prison camp with and what he wants (to kill Suki) sounds really crazy. Then he fainted. I hope he can move when they come back from the commercial break.
So: it turns out that the hospital all set this up once they noticed that the Jimmy Stewart character had a reaction. Jimmy Stewart gets a gun, goes to shoot Suki, & while he's shooting the guy he thinks is Suki, the guy was born in the U.S. and had earned medals in the armed forces (and was not put into an interment camp apparently). All this so Jimmy Stewart believes he killed the the man who tortured him & tortured & killed others.
X-Minus One: "Nightfall" 12/07/1955!!!!!!
I read the book written by Isaac Asimov that was taken from this short story: on a planet with 7 suns, there comes a time every 1,047 years when only one of the suns is in the sky & it gets eclipsed. So on that one night, it brings darkness (that they're kind of freaked out about anyway), but then brings something else that they can't understand: a view of the universe, with stars. So, along with the darkness, every person on the planet who is conscious, has their brain cranked about 90 degrees to the right or left, when they realize that the universe is a hell of a lot bigger than they've ever contemplated (so, they go nuts, destroy every city, and start all over again).
old time radio