Skywave Theater: "Forbidden Planet Decoded" 09/28/2013"Skywave Theater" is made up of contemporary actors, so this, "Forbidden Planet Decoded", was made up of them doing "Forbidden Planet". But here's what was really weird: the scientist/father asks his daughter to pretend she's a robot; and asks his robot, Robbie, to pretend he's his son (the robot doesn't look like the big, metal, robot of the movie, Forbidden Planet, but looks like human -
here's a link to a photograph from the movie showing the father, his daughter, Robbie the Robot, and the love interest).
It really makes no sense. I could sort of understand that you'd want to change it to have an easier time staging it, but it was really absurd - just way too much weird work to try to explain this change. So, I'm not in the best place to write anything about it, since this change just overwhelmed everything.
NBC Theater: "Gulliver's Travels" 9/24/1948They're doing Gulliver's Travels in 30 minutes. That's a trick....
Did a pretty good job. Just intros by Gulliver, with the removal of the more gross (and amusing) parts of the book (like when he's the giant, he puts out a fire in a church by pissing in it), and concentrating on the big points of the plot. They made the horse people of the last island (the Whymmins? They're called something like that) more understandable than I've found them.