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Sep 01, 2004 12:25

hmmm...well not exactly looking forward to tomorrow. gotta go get my schedule changed, which is cool if i can change it that is, and then i have to work from 3 to probably 9. it'll finally be my first day but i'm not exactly looking forward to it. i don't have to work friday but saturday and sunday i have to. atleast it's only for a couple of hours. man, school is starting in less than a week! i can't believe it. this summer flew by so incredibly fast but i had a lot of fun. it has been the best summer yet and i hope they only get better from here. ((got another school year until that though)) well not too much has been happening lately. just trying to spend these last few days of summer having fun. been driving a lot and looking forward to getting my license in january ((finally!)) but i don't know if i'll have a car by then. my birthday is in a month and like 2 weeks! sweet sixteen babay! can't wait to celebrate it with my friends hehehe...that should be interesting... gotta go get a filling at the dentist today ((yeaaa....no)) i hate the fucking dentist but derek's coming over after so it's all good. i can't think of anything else to write right now so i guess i'll write more later.
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