Friends. or .what?

May 09, 2004 20:34

  wow whats happening to everyone. were all turning against one another and talking shit. this isnt how friendships work. we are supposed to be there for one another and instead were to faraway to notice that anyone even needs help. everyone is stuck int here own worlds and cant see anything else beyond it. we dont want to spend our days having probs and fights when instead we can be together having fun and laughing.if you got something to say , say it dont hold it back. if u need help ask for it. and if u just need someone there for u to talk to or just to hang out with turn to a friend.cuz thats what where all here for.if u have something to say, say it to me right here right now whatever u want cuz obviously if there isn't then we all wouldn't be acting liek this right now. u turn one person against someone then another one follows its like a chain.and a wrong way to go. if you really like how u feel and are fine with how it is right now, i really dont need to have friends like this. the ones i have now. you arnt worth my time if u rnt willing to change with me and make things for the better, you got one life to live better make it a good one.

Sam,spam,samantha -i want to say something to you. thank you for being the bestest firned u are. your always there for me whenever i need u night or day. we go thro so much together and much much more to come. im so glad that we became as close as we are now and i hope that never changes. we know so much about one another and its good to have someone to talk to about everything. i lovee u so much . and your like my sis (the better one). you grown so much to a better and much more beautiful person then u were, and im glad i was there for it all. i will always be there for u when ever u need me. even if it is about the most stupid things.that u say.never change and stay the same.or i will have to kill your bestestt frined in the world/.

And to my bf. your the best thank you for everything. im really happy that im with you. and that i met make me way to happy for my own good.

<3 to everyone
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