Title: Returns & Promises
Author: likestowrite
Pairing: Ianto/Jack
Rating: Safe for all...or should be at least.
Summary: Post Season 2, Ianto & Jack have an intimate talk before going to work. Mentions of Tosh & Owen. Bitter-sweet angst. Short fic only 675 words.
Disclaimer: No copy right infringment intended, all rights reserved. I have no financial gain from this, it's just a bit of fun. Characters belong to R.TD.
Ianto groaned, outstretched his arm and hit the snooze button once again on his alarm clock, snuggling closer into Jack he uttered; “We really should get up.”
“Just half an hour more.” Jack sighed, and buried his head further into the pillow.
“That’s the third time the alarm has gone off. We’ll be late.” Ianto reasoned, but made no real effort to get up.
“Someone will sort everything out I’m sure.” Jack said mid daze, and placed a lazy kiss atop of Ianto’s head.
“You’re right.” Ianto yawned, “I suppose we have a bit more time yet, anyway if we’re late Tosh will-” and stopped quickly.
Jack began the rub the small of Ianto’s back, where his hand had been resting, “You can say her name you know.”
“It’s-it’s not that…I forgot. I forgot she died.” Ianto said softly, ashamed of his words.
“You didn’t forget.” Jack soothed as he propped himself up in the bed, and coaxed Ianto to do the same.
“But I did. I forgot one my best friends had died.” Ianto repeated, pulling himself away from Jack.
“That’s just a part of what you’re going through, what we’re all going through.” Jack said, moving closer to Ianto, putting his arms around him, “You’re just…”
“The first one to move on?” Ianto finished, somewhat bitterly.
“Healing.” Jack said calmly, and hugged ever-so slightly tighter, with that Ianto relaxed enough to be lead back to the warmer side of the bed.
“Have you ever-?” Ianto started to ask but again refrained himself from finishing, “never mind.” He said shaking his head slightly against Jack’s collar, to pre-empt the other mans questioning.
“Have I ever what?” Jack asked.
“It doesn’t matter.” Ianto assured.
“Something’s on your mind, what do you want to know?” Jack pushed gently, stroking Ianto’s arm in a reassuring gesture.
“Have you ever seen them? Tosh and Owen, when you- when you-”
“Die?” Jack finished, what Ianto could not, and felt the other man nod against him, “No, it doesn’t really work like that.”
“Oh,” Ianto made a small sound, “ok, I just hoped-wished- that was all.”
“Yeah, me to.” Jack replied, and rested his cheek against Ianto’s hair, “That’s not to say they’re not together, it’s just where I go…there’s no-one”
“I’m sorry.” Ianto said, gazing deep into Jack and kissed him gently.
“Thank you.”
“Does it hurt?” Ianto asked, “Dying- does it hurt?”
“That depends,” Jack answered, “but the coming back; that’s the hard part.”
“I wish it- I wish it didn’t hurt. You shrug it off with a smile but, I still wish you didn’t have to hurt.”
“Wishing only leads to broken hearts…it hurts, it does. But seeing you standing there, it just makes it seem to disappear; for that one second when it’s greatest, it feels like nothing at all.”
“I do that?”
“Every time.” Jack answered and kissed Ianto back
“I hate that it happens to you. If I could stop it- just once-”
Jack pulled back, “Don’t! Don’t ever say you’ll do anything like that.” He said forcefully, “I don’t care what happens to me, but I won’t have anything like that happen to you. I won’t.” he finished sternly, with a dark look on his face, to which Ianto became submissive and hung his head.
“I’m sorry,” Jack said gently and lifted Ianto’s head back up, “I didn’t mean that to come out so harsh, just if anything happened to you; because of me. I-I just couldn’t live with myself. Promise me, you won’t do anything stupid-”
“Alright, I promise, but I don’t-”
“I know how hard it is for you. I know you hold your breath each time; to see if I’ll come back. But I will come back.”
“I’m scared. each time I’m scared I’ll lose you for good.”
“That’s not something you have to worry about. Something, you ever have to worry about.”They embraced again, taking comfort in each other. Jack pulled back first; “You’re my Ianto.” He smiled, Ianto returned his smile, “And you’re my Captain.”