Some stray folders are being dangled by Ianto's ear.
Given Jack's general dramatic and flamboyant nature, it probably isn't right that he's that good at sneaking up on people. But then, as noted, it's probably that Ianto was distracted.
Whatever the reason, Jack's grinning, pleased with himself.
"Another one done with that I never have to see again," he says cheerily. "Hide it away for me?"
Ianto takes the folders and glances back at Jack, smiling for no reason at all except that it's Jack. "In the deepest, darkest corner where you'll have to bring a torch and spelunking equipment to find it again."
ianto smiles at him again. "I will always provide you with coffee, Captain.
"Usually when I do it's because the bar asked me, but this last time Michelangelo asked me if I'd like to become part of the permanent staff. I'd like to say yes, but my first duty is to Torchwood, of course, and I'd let to get clearance from my boss, since it would basically be moonlighting."
"I'm considering some alternative methods of spending that paycheck," Ianto says. "Though I was pleased to hear about the gratis staff room. There are a great many things we could do with that."
From the look on his face you'd think he means things like fingerpainting. He doesn't.
"It comes to a full stop, even when I've been there for days."
Given Jack's general dramatic and flamboyant nature, it probably isn't right that he's that good at sneaking up on people. But then, as noted, it's probably that Ianto was distracted.
Whatever the reason, Jack's grinning, pleased with himself.
"Another one done with that I never have to see again," he says cheerily. "Hide it away for me?"
Or, you know, the appropriate cabinet.
Interpret as you will.
"How's things?"
He pauses a moment, manila folders sliding into place. "So, you know how I bartend in Milliways sometimes?"
He wanders around to lean against the wall, arms folded as Ianto carries on.
"You provided me with coffee when I was in sore need. It's not unusual, but always welcome."
"Usually when I do it's because the bar asked me, but this last time Michelangelo asked me if I'd like to become part of the permanent staff. I'd like to say yes, but my first duty is to Torchwood, of course, and I'd let to get clearance from my boss, since it would basically be moonlighting."
Jack grins to show he's not automatically against the idea, whilst turning it over in his mind.
"How does the time difference work out for you? Full time stop when you're there, or what?"
From the look on his face you'd think he means things like fingerpainting. He doesn't.
"It comes to a full stop, even when I've been there for days."
(Just because he doesn't have an innocent face himself doesn't mean he can't appreciate it in others.)
"That's good," he says thoughtfully. "Means you're unlikely to get burned out working too much. Your door's reliable?"
Jack has certain Experiences with disappearing doors.
Another "knock wood" moment.
"So you're all right with this? Boss?"
"I am, yeah. It's a good gig, and if you want it, I think you go for it."
"I think you'll be damn good. Handpicked, no less."
Thoughtful beat.
"This means when we're at the bar, you'll be the one with the authority."
"Good," he says unconvincingly.
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