Icons: Alexander Skarsgard & True Blood: Strange Love [4 + 100]

May 05, 2010 08:15

Brand new. Comment/credit. The 4 Alexander Skarsgård icons were a part of the 58th challenge of Skarsgård Stills. The 100 icons from True Blood are from the first episode of the first season. If you want to try to get the same look for icons as the True Blood: Strange Love, then the method is listed at the bottom of the entry.


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Basic Tutorial for the Strange Love - 5/5/10 icons

Icons made with Photoshop CS2

1. Duplicate the base layer 3 times. Set the first two to screen, then the second to soft light (after desaturating it). Adjust the opacity until you have the coloring about where you want it.

2. Go to curves. Adjust the RGB slightly (not too much) and make it a little darker. Now, adjust either the Red, Green, or Blue channel slightly, increasing only one of those channels in 1 spot.

3. Go to Selective Color. Set Neutrals Y to -15 and Blacks B to +15. (This Selective Color layer comes from a tutorial written by _euphory for #1 tutorial. I have fully used that particular tutorial in the past on icons for the True Blood episode: Frenzy, as well as an icon for Alexander Skarsgård.)

4. Duplicate the base for the top layer and set it to screen, adjusting the opacity to whatever color you feel is most appropriate.

Mirrored from Like So Totally Me Blog.

themes: vampires, tv show: true blood, actor: alexander skarsgård, !icons

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