⊕ voice post 001

Jan 05, 2009 17:32

[ There's a small fumbling sound, as if he's trying to pick up the Dreamberry but isn't quite sure how to. After a little more fuddling and muttering to himself, Zelos finally gets ahold of the device.

Except he's six years old. ]

Uh- Um, hello?! Wh-where am I? Whe- This isn't the mansion!

M-mother? Sebastian?


[[ Yeeeaaah. Zelos is now six years old. Looks like he finally found one of those cards lying around. He doesn't remember any of you, sadly, and he's rather upset at the moment. Try to calm the poor kid down?

Oh and uh. Unless you want a very upset six year old on your hands, do not mention what happened to his mother. Uh uh. ]]

!voice post, !ic, uh oh, is suddenly six, what

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