2nd summon [audio start; switch to text]

May 19, 2010 20:37

[Sloshing noises familiar to any that have spoken with Blobimaeus can be heard as the djinni trudges back and forth in his room.]

Five days and I haven't dissolved into nothing. Can't say that I'm complaining about that.

[A sniffing noise.]

Ugh, but I can complain about the smell.

[Seeing as he can't quite shower as he is without going down the drain himself, he stops and there is silence. It triggers a distinct change that does not translate well into audio, but is followed by footsteps before the audio cuts out; Bartimaeus has taken Ptolemy's form and is ready to start using his words.]

[Text Start]

This is a distinct improvement over that regrettable lack of form that Faquarl's tender treatment left me in. 1 I will have to remember to send a thank you Detonation his way. Several of them, at the highest strength that I can manage. Let it never be said that I cannot show gratitude.

1 - To bring you all up to speed on the great adventures of Bartimaeus, our reluctant hero was last seen facing certain death. Between being crushed to death by silverware or dissolve in clam chowder, I was assured of nothing by that the end of my essence was nigh. What was that? Now, really. Would I be here if I hadn't escaped?


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