2nd footnote [video] a curious morning?

Oct 01, 2011 10:29

[Why is a raven like a writing desk? There is only one explanation: The djinni taking that form buggered it up. How else could one mistake furniture for being a bird ( Read more... )

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text thii2ii22tupiid October 1 2011, 21:10:18 UTC
2even plane2?
and how do you know 2omethiing blew up?


[video] likesfootnotes October 1 2011, 22:25:29 UTC
[What do you know, ravens can roll their eyes. Who'd have thought it? Bartimaeus pulls it off and settles himself in plain view of the record.]

Seven planes are the bare minimum to check, for those who have eyes for it. Trolls, as I've heard, can see the fourth. An anti-troll such as yourself is limited, no doubt, to the human scope of one.

And I said a minor Detonation. The mere facts that no debris litters the ground and no devastation surrounds us are proof that it was most minor. A proper Detonation would have widespread destruction and a menacing boom to it. A giant breaking wind would have destroyed more.


[text] thii2ii22tupiid October 1 2011, 22:29:11 UTC
*He's just going to ignore that anti-troll/pro-human crap this time.*

let2 2tart agaiin, 2even plane2 of WHAT?
iit could have been 2omethiing el2e, there are weiird thiing2 iin that fore2t, they could have ju2t broken 2omethiing.


[video] likesfootnotes October 1 2011, 22:42:24 UTC
You are possibly the most ignorant mage I have ever encountered.

[Oh, yes, your gig is up Magi-Troll! Bartimaeus has a purrfectly reliable account that you are a mage. He sees what you did there with trolling him about the troll, oh-ho!]

Truly, there are only one or two more that I would think close to your ignorance in all my time in the physical realm. You ought celebrate it!

Think back to your little magician studies and recall that you, like all humans, can see but one plane to reality. I can see seven, all overlaid in perfect synchronosity. Imagine an onion, if you can, and the ability to see through to its core - I can do all this and more. What can hide on the first may not always hide on the last. Rest assured that when I say I see nothing, there is nothing there.


txt4eva thii2ii22tupiid October 1 2011, 22:47:26 UTC
ii'm not A mage, ii'm THE mage, there'2 a diiference.

*He's not entirely sure what that is, except that he can't do magic, though.*

what the fuck ii2 an oniion?
and what iif 2omethiing ii2 on another plane, one you can't 2ee? then iit'd 2tiill be there you ju2t wouldn't be able two 2ee it.


[video] likesfootnotes October 1 2011, 23:02:21 UTC
There's no difference from where I perch. One or many, there's still a magician and that is the fundamental flaw in all things. Have you considered renouncing that pastime for something a little more wholesome?

[Bartimaeus is not dignifying the onion comment with a response at this time, not when he can torment the magician about knowing nothing magical.]

I may no be able to see something on a plane beyond seven, but only things of great power can exist beneath that. In such a case, it would be like an invisible elephant being in the room: I could sense it, even if I could not see it. Great beings give off great ripples, you see.


thii2ii22tupiid October 1 2011, 23:05:15 UTC
ii'm not a magiiciian, there wa2 no magiic iin my uniiver2e.

*Just really weird technology, video games, and all powerful beings.*

you haven't fiigured out that thii2 place doe2n't work under the 2ame rule2 that you're u2ed two yet, have you?


[video] likesfootnotes October 2 2011, 20:31:27 UTC
Then why style yourself a mage at all? False advertising could be the consumption of you, were I a spirit any less compassionate.

Nonsense. This place has gravity and that is a rule most solemnly held in my world. Or do you suggest that magnets hold us all to the ground?


thii2ii22tupiid October 3 2011, 02:10:55 UTC
ii diidn't giive my2elf the tiitle.

ju2t becau2e 2ome of the rule2 or player2 are the 2ame doesn't mean the game follow2 everythiing a2 other2 diid, try two have 2ome iimagiinatiion here.


[video] likesfootnotes October 5 2011, 06:04:47 UTC
Yet you perpetuate it, or fail to deny it. The difference isn't that great, in the grand scheme of things; after all, a liar and a denier sound alike in the ears of history.

This is quite rich, coming from the most untroll-like troll I have ever encountered. And one of the more difficult to understand. Do you have a... [A pause. Does he bother to find a sensitive, kind way to say it?] ...diminished capacity in any way?



thii2ii22tupiid October 5 2011, 06:11:44 UTC
ii wa2n't the one who told iit two you, ii've never u2ed iit here before NT mentiioned iit and you grabbed ontwo iit liike iit2 your only friiend iin the whole keep.

2ay2 the guy who can't 2tand two thiink that thiing2 don't fiit iintwo hii2 note2, iit doe2n't 2OUND liike II'M the one wiith the diimiinii2hed capaciity here, bartiimaeu2.

*You know, this not giving your name out unless you find out the asker is 'harmless' is all well and good, Barti, but if you can't do it on a secure channel its worth a big fat load of bird shit :D*


[video] likesfootnotes October 7 2011, 20:51:49 UTC
[No matter how poorly written, that is his name there and he's not pleased about it.

Bartimaeus regards the text, wings taking to little gesticulations that suggest annoyance, while his feathers steadily ruffle and puff to increase his appearance. To the careful eye, one might see that the raven is, in actual fact, getting larger in size where it has perched.

Intimidation tactic? One of the best; nothing like hulking in size that looks to break the pentacle on the hope that the magician will step back to take a good look at you and -- oops, did you just step out of your safety pentacle? Nom. Nom. Nom.]

You anti-trolls have such a poor grasp of meanings. "Friend" and "enemy" are two entirely different words. The first I may tolerate and, in rare instances, assist; the second I must intimidate, antagonise, and otherwise make the life miserable of.

I also point out that apart from some unfounded claims of troll greatness and apparently modest denials, you've done little concrete to refute the title of mage and all it entails.

[ ( ... )


thii2ii22tupiid October 7 2011, 20:57:40 UTC
*Sadly Sollux has faced off with, and defeated, enough gigantic things that getting bigger really isn't a threat to him. If he'd bother to change from text, Barti could hear his laughter. Actually he might be able to guess it anyway, Sollux doesn't try to hide it.*

oh, goodiie, you've ma2teted the abiiliity two read the 2iignature tacked two all of my repliie2, ii'm 2o happy for you.
2iince iit 2eem2 two have taken you 2ome tiime.

not really, two be hone2t you're gettiing very prediictable and downriight boriing.


likesfootnotes October 9 2011, 17:19:04 UTC
[Laughter is not the preferred response - he would prefer trembling in fear. But, a djinni must make the best with what he has available!]

Failing to use a weapon is hardly failing to possess it, O Most Untrollish One. There's a reason why it's suggested you not wear a name out.

And here you are, demanding it more and more. Were I Jabor, I'd have taken it for an invitation to consume you.


thii2ii22tupiid October 9 2011, 17:24:05 UTC
ii've yet two 2ee any rea2on to fear you here OR el2ewhere, ii doubt you could even eat a 2queakbea2t, you'd probably ju2t lecture iit.

waiit, hold up, ii fiigured out how you're 2o dangerou2, you bore people two death, am ii riight? ii bet ii'm riight.


[video] likesfootnotes October 9 2011, 17:26:44 UTC
You really should mind those assumptions of yours. Do you think a lion harmless just because its claws are sheathed?

[He's considering eating you - just to make a point. Even though, ew, human. Yes, human. Definitely never troll.]


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