
Oct 14, 2007 19:21

Putting this here and back-dating, since the old application posts seem to have been eaten by LJ. ( link to the original application)

Sixth Character D:

Your Name/what you go by: Deb
AIM/E-mail/contact info - some way of reaching you: AIM: beadjunkie102, E-mail: beadjunkie @
Your character's name (last, first): Jones, Martha
Series your character's from: Doctor Who

Background info on your character:

Martha Jones was just an average medical student in London, until the day when the Doctor walked into her life. Before the day was over, she'd been transported to the moon and almost killed by aliens. It wasn't actually the Doctor's fault this time, but in the end Martha helped him save the day.

Martha impressed the Doctor with her quick thinking and positive attitude. As a thank you, he offered to take her on one trip in the TARDIS, his time traveling machine. They went into the past and met Shakespeare, and of course had to save the world from evil witches. That should have been the end of their journey together, but the Doctor offered Martha one more trip, into the future this time, and they visited New New York on New Earth, in the year 5,000,000,053.

Again, that should have been the end of their travels, but somehow Martha's 'one trip' never quite ended. The Doctor took her on several exciting, and usually dangerous, trips into the past and the future. No matter what happened, Martha's faith in the Doctor remained unshaken, and he in turn came to trust her. Gradually they became friends.

During her first adventure with the Doctor, he gave her a kiss. He insisted it was just for the purposes of a genetic transfer (long story), but Martha couldn't help wondering if it was something more. On the other hand, the Doctor never gave her any encouragement, and he often talked about Rose, his previous companion. It was obvious to Martha that even if the Doctor hadn't been romantically involved with Rose, he was still 'on the rebound' from losing her. As they traveled together, Martha struggled to reconcile her attraction to the Doctor with the fact that she knew he would probably never show any romantic interest in her.

After a brief stop on Earth to refuel the TARDIS (and pick up a stowaway named Jack Harkness), they accidentally traveled to the year 100 trillion, aka the End of the Universe. They were almost trapped there by the newly regenerated Master, the Doctor's fellow Time Lord and longtime enemy, but they found a way to follow him back to Martha's time, where they discovered that he had just been elected Prime Minister. He had been there for months, before Martha had even met the Doctor, thanks to the wonders of time travel. The Master took Martha's parents and sister as hostages, in an attempt to get to the Doctor through her.

Their attempt to stop the Master and rescue Martha's family failed. The Doctor and Jack were captured, but Martha was able to escape, leaving her friends and family behind. For the next year, while the Master took over the world and planned for interstellar war, Martha wandered the world on her own, putting into effect a plan which the Doctor had whispered to her just before she escaped. When the year was over, she allowed herself to be recaptured as the final piece of the plan. The plan worked and they saved the day once again. The Master was defeated, time reversed itself, and the only people who remembered what had happened were the people who were at the center of events.

When the Doctor was ready to leave again, Martha elected to stay behind and get back to her life. She and her family had been through a lot during the year that didn't happen, and she wanted to stay with them. She also told the Doctor that she didn't want to keep following after someone who would never look at her as anything other than a friend, but she was far from sad about it. She'd accepted the fact that they would always be friends, and that was enough for her. Before she left the TARDIS, Martha gave the Doctor her mobile phone, which he had modified to work wherever they were in time and space, so she could contact him again someday.

Also, what they were doing when they got pulled to the island, any relations with anyone else? Etc) Not long after she parted company with the Doctor, Martha walked through a door and ended up on the island. She knows the Doctor, the Master, and Jack Harkness, and she's heard of Rose Tyler, but has never met her.

Sample post: (First person point of view, please)

You'd think I'd be used to this kind of thing by now, ending up in some strange place. Usually you've got some warning though, when you're traveling with the Doctor. He's usually good for a bit of a travelogue before we walk out of the TARDIS. Haven't got the slightest idea what he's saying half the time, but usually he at least knows where we are. It's a bit different this time, that's all. I suppose there's worse places to be than an island where it rains ducks and the coconuts have alcohol inside. I've been to worse places. This is a bit like being on holiday.

Still, walking through a door and ending up on a deserted island without any warning is a bit of a shock. And then seeing the Doctor here... Well, I thought it was all his doing, but he says it's not, and I guess I have to believe him. If it was his doing, he'd probably be going on about how clever he was to bring me here without using the TARDIS. And that's another thing that a little scary - he says he can't use the TARDIS to get us out of here. I think he was actually a little bit worried, even though he tried to cover it up with his usual genius talk and by blaming it on what the Master did to the TARDIS.

Oh, and that was not a pleasant surprise, let me tell you. I didn't think I'd ever have to see the Master again. Just shows I'm not as used to this whole time travel thing as I thought, because obviously dying doesn't mean you'll never see someone again if you can go anywhere in time. That's one bloke I'll be avoiding as much as possible. And speaking of time travelers, I finally got to meet the famous Rose Tyler. Bet the Doctor was happy to see her.

Anyway, I guess we'll just make the best of it, like we always do. Least I'm not all on my own this time, like the year that wasn't. And at least I don't have to pretend to be a maid or get a job in a shop this time. Not that there's any shops on a deserted island, or any jobs at all for that matter. There is a clinic though, so I'll be able to make myself useful. Given the way things are around here, I don't think they'll be too picky about me not having passed my exams yet.
A list of things your character might have on them after they got snatched up and put on this island:
- lab coat
- stethoscope
- mobile phone


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