The RP meme that's going around~ Gimme a character I play, and I'll tell you the following about them!
01. Full name
02. Best friend
03. Sexuality
04. Favorite colour
05. Relationship status
06. Ideal mate
07. Turn-ons
08. Last sexual experience
09. Favorite food
10. Crushes
11. Favorite music
12. Biggest fear
13. Biggest fantasy
14. Quirks in bed
15. Bad habits
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02. Best friend--In canon, Mogget or Touchstone. In canon...currently no one D:
03. Sexuality--So far, straight. Unless things somehow develop another way over at SW
04. Favorite colour--Blues and Greens
05. Relationship status--oh so single
06. Ideal mate--Someone who can understand her, and understand the commitment she has to keep as an Abhorsen. Someone kind, thoughtful and clever. Touchstone? Though she does not want a doormat.
07. Turn-ons--haven't explored that
08. Last sexual experience--Never.
09. Favorite food--Catfish and wild rice (wtf muse where did that answer come from?)
10. Crushes--Canon...oh come on now lol. SW--none
11. Favorite music--classical. Wind pipes, chimes and bells are preferred instruments.
12. Biggest fear--Failing, death to a certain degree
13. Biggest fantasy--to have her father be alive and to not have this responsibility for at least a few more years.
14. Quirks in bed--N-none known.
15. Bad habits--quick temper, impulsive, sometimes foolishly optimistic, stubborn
16. Biggest regret--Father, Kerrigor--that whole mess...yeaaah.
17. Best kept secrets--Canonwise not many, SW--no one knows the true nature of her family and those damn bells...
18. Last thought--SW verse answer "Pain, hurt...the arm--silent bells...cold."
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience--The fact that there is none counts right?
20. Biggest insecurity--in her ability to fully take on the role her father left her.
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