
Mar 28, 2008 04:24

I'm trying to make several Fan playlists/soundtracks. I figured I get some input from my Flist- since some of you will have to deal with driving with them in my CD player, and the rest of you will probably have to deal with seeing them put up some where. So~! I'm going to list series/characters/pairings here. Please post with one of those listed in your subject line and suggest a song or five- and I'll probably end up adding them to the list.

Avatar: The Last Airbender- General FST. I want this limited to character songs only- If you are suggesting a pairing, please not there is a limit of one song per pairing~I want this general, not bogged down with pairingness.
Songs already Here:
No Air by...damn I can never remember the name- Katara/Aang (Meaning LOL no more Katara/Aang songs suggestions guys~)
Open Wounds by Skillet- Zuko
Leather and Lace by Steive Nicks- Zuko/Katara

Avatar: Zuko/Aang FST (Because srsly Wolfie I obsess over it so bad now that they need their own list)
Songs already here:
On Fire by Switchfoot
Into the Fire by Thirteen Senses
Over and Over by Three Days Grace

Tsubasa FST Pairings are more welcome here, because seriously, half the series is about the developing relationships. I realize it would be hard to limit Tsubasa to not having pairing songs.
Songs here:
At the Beginning from the Anastasia Soundtrack :D Ah childhood
Headstrong by Trapt
In the Sun by Joseph Arthur
EnternuS (Remastered) by Sanxion7
I can't read you by Daniel Bedingfield
Once Upon a December by Deana Carter
Synchronicity by  Makino Yui
Just so You Know by Jesse McCartney

Gundam Wing FST
Songs Here:
Horror Show by Birthday Massacre
Haiti by Arcade Fire
mechanical man by  the folk implosion- Heero
gravity decides by the folk implosion- Quatre
no need to worry by the folk implosion- Wufei
nemo by  nightwish- Trowa
reconciliation by pain of salvation- Heero
It's a disaster by OKGO

2x1x4 (Duo/Heero/Quatre) FST
Ah Love Triangles, why are you so hard to find songs for?

Endai General FST
Suggestions for this FST are limited to those who play in Endai. I want a song per character if possible- because seriously you guys are awesome~
Songs here:
Evil Angel by Breaking Benjamin- Lelouch

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