It makes me so horribly angry that there was ever such a thing as partial birth abortion that it makes my neck hurt to think about it.
It was declared illegal 5 days ago. That makes me feel a little better.
Tia and Tamara's father is white. I never knew that. I used to call that show Tia Tia. I still say it sometimes.
I haven't gone to sleep all night.
og panty complex (6:32:09 AM): I'M NOT EVEN SLEEPY!!
Auto response from IFenriz (6:32:10 AM): Hey og panty complex, Can I Eat Your Asshole Out With A Spork?
og panty complex (6:32:30 AM): :-(
I read The Watcher by James Howe again tonight and read homosexual personals on or something. I also wrote a poem in Gaelic about anorexic girls who look like pencils but call themselves pigs.
And I also watched the episode of Lizzie McGuire where she and Miranda go to buy a bra and say they don't need Mrs. McGuire's help, but they really do.
I want to read Running Out of Time again, and you should, too. I have summer reading to do, but fuck that. Who wants to read the Return of the Fag or Brave New Asshole? I've actually read both of those, but whatever. I don't remember them well. I'm looking for Cunt by Muscio. I doubt they have it at the McAllen library. I'm going today if I wake up in time.
I've been on my period since before I went to Austin. Yeah that's scary and bad and not good. My mom didn't really pay attention to me when I told her, though. She might take me to a doctor. She says it's probably my medicine. The medicine isn't illegal; I just shouldn't be taking it without a prescription. So the doctor will just think I'm dumb.
It looks funny, but that is my armpit.
Just thought I'd update on its length because it really hasn't grown.
And so many people think it's terrifyingly unbecoming.
I'm painting my nails pink again to offset my hair nicely. I need some more lip balm.