Sep 09, 2009 21:42
After watching the President's speech, a few tears dropped down.
Don't get excited. I wasn't happy.
I just don't believe in the United States anymore.
In a attempt to 'please everyone' (which is a euphemism for tucking tail) he just displeased about everyone but McCain who was grinning ear to ear like the fucking Grinch who stole Christmas.
Everything is centered around business like it always was.
I did not vote for Barak Obama and Joe Biden (who didn't say a word) for them to promote their OPONENT'S wealthfare plan. I hope you all know what "wealthfare" is. It's greedy, it's white, it's male, it's upper class, it's heterosexual, it's Protestant, and it wears a bow tie. It's Corporate America.
The only thing that's changed is that the President's face is darker, younger, and more attractive. Corporate America is still being spoon fed exploitative resources. This insults my intelligence. The Democrats control Congress and the Presidency, and they ran with healthcare as their highest platform. They are still operating under the pretense that "middle America" (if there is such a thing) is protesting this reform.
A very small amount of Americans are protesting healthcare reform, it's just they they all listen to Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck, are white, and are loud.
We're moving out of the country already - to a country that offers healthcare because citizens are valued more than double speak, media, and corporations.