Jul 06, 2009 23:13
So my mom came down for the 4th. It was LOTS of fun.
We got involved in a small altercation in the dirty streets of Atlanta (5 points to whoever can identify the last 5 words that belong to a lovely little song)
Seriously. Some kids threw down some colors. (I'm on my way to being a sociologist, and this was VERY interesting to me) and then kids started hitting each other and running and screaming and freaking out. My mom was totally hilarious and we'll laugh about it later. Now is definitely not the time to laugh about it. My co-worker Chris would have said "Oh, she's scared and white. Don't look scared and white"
Anyway, in the end, we fled. You know it was fun while it lasted, but when we realized the police were incompetent and that about 50 more kids were running down the street to join in, we decided to find another way home.
Atlanta is fun. I've thought about doing gang field work, and now I guess I'll think again.