May 22, 2009 15:41
So, I don't even remember when the last time was that I posted.
I am currently sitting in Caribou Coffee waiting on the cops that will ever arrive.
Why?! you ask.
Because a fuckwad fucking rearended me and mother fucking drove off. Douche.
We would be on our way to Bama right now, but instead we are just sitting here. It's absofukcinglutely wonderful. Did you like the tmesis there? Don't know what a tmesis is? Wiki that shit.
So here is the semester breakdown (since everyone else put theirs, I will follow suit)
Sanish = -A
English = -A
Statistics = +A
Global Issues = +A
Crime & Punishment = +A
WOOT!!! and I worked 30 hours all semester long, AND me and keith share a car, AND I got selected for an internship this summer that only had 7 undergraduate slots, AND I lost 13 pounds in the last two months.
So, that means I'm a god damned genius. Fuck everyone who said I took on too much. I threw leisure out of the window two semesters ago, and now I have a trip to Northern Irelad next May, a current internship on an influential research project, a possible future PAID internship on the same project next semester, and a fucking 3.93 GPA. Kiss my new skinny white arse. Who cares if the pounds came off because I didn't have time to eat? Not me or my bitchin skinny jeans.
Ok, I now have to call the City of Atlanta again to find the incompetent officer that is supposed to find the idiot that hit me.