Hang in there baby!

May 24, 2008 11:21

I went into the hospital last night for decreased fetal movements and pain. It seems like my BH contractions are coming every 10-15 minutes on the monitor and baby is doing fine in there and after a speculum being inserted again the midwives have decided I'm probably in early labor which could go on for days/weeks (I'm 2cm dilated and 50% effaced). They've given me the all clear to have the baby in 8 days when the baby's not considered premature (37 weeks) but if she does decide to come earlier I'd have to be transferred to another hospital an hour and a half away or wait for a bed to become availiable in my local hospital as the NICU is pretty much full. I hope she'll hang on for 8 days!

I have an ultrasound booked for Tuesday morning to check her growth and my fluid levels and then an appointment with my doctor for the following Tuesday for another scan and to talk about my options and what he thinks is best. Luckily, so far, this doctor seems to be very supportive of me trying for as natural a birth as possible and hasn't talked about induction or a cesarean yet so fingers crossed he won't get all cut happy on me.

I'm spending the night at my sister's tonight so I can have some support. Luckily the uncomfortable contractions have eased off a bit now I've taken two Paracetamol and we're just back to waddling and tightening. I was so scared being in the hospital alone in case they kept me in and it was 11pm. Plus it cost me a lot in taxi fare because they no longer provide transport to and from the hospital for people without transport.

I'm not sure what to make of the midwife who took care of me. On one hand, she was lovely, very vibrant and helpful talking through all my concerns with me and offering a helping professional hand. On the other, she told me to stay at home as long as I could manage while in labor because of the shortage of beds and told me although I am high risk it would be fine. The doctor wants me to come in as soon as the pain gets bad and/or my waters break because of the risk of cord prolapse and because I'd have to be monitored. I don't know who to believe but I know as soon as the pain gets excrutiating or my waters break I won't want to be at home and I'd rather be walking around the hospital where there's professional people who can help if there's something wrong than waiting it out. I guess I'll know once it happens.

35+6. This is all happening so very fast.
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