WOW! That was insane. You guys are really the best. We're all overwhelmed by how quickly that happened. We had a few exciting things planned for this monumental event. Ashley and I have been talking about this for ages (even though I am nowhere near as useful around here as she is) so we're really pumped to see all of this Anna love.
likeicare has become our little internet home and we hope all of you (new/old) feel that way too! Ashley even made this banner a bazillion years ago, because we're THAT EXCITED.
With that in mind, we thought it might be fun to do a spam post or a friending meme. Since this is coming right after the Golden Globes and
the GG post became a sort of spam post of its own, we'll kick this off with a celebratory friending meme. Since there are now OVER 200 OF YOU, this will be a good way for everyone to get to know each other :)
basics.Name: Age: Location: anna.favorite Anna role: favorite Anna movie: favorite Anna line/quote: favorite Anna picture: fandom.favorite movies: favorite shows: favorite books: favorite music: your journal friends only?:other things about being your lj friend?:a gif, perhaps?: