(no subject)

Jul 13, 2005 14:17

lasst time i updated was sunday morning i think. i dunno i dont really remember what happened sunday night.
OH YEAH i remember.. i went swimming at dre's aunts house.
then i came home to shower then back to dres aunts house.
went out to noodles with dre, elyse and jacob.
thenn we went to the batting cages
then i went to brige's house. steph picked us up. we went to dipples apt. then home.
monday.. me brige, steph and abby hung out at paul hernadez's house. i tried getting brett and paul a g but the guy tried giving them baking soda and i told them not to get it cause it wasnt bblow but they didn't listen to me. damn idiots think they know about drugs. lol then went to mj's house.
then last night went to kelly's house cause her moms gone
i got real drunk. i like fell into the fireplace and like scratched up the back of my ankle lol ow and katie slut kemp was there. i like how her and dipple had sex like 3 days ago and dipp lied to steph.
then idk i guess i just passed out?
kellys again tonight.

yep, later dudes.
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