Voice mail

Sep 13, 2005 09:25

Ye be lookin' fer Barbossa, but I be somewhere else. Please leave a message after the squawk.


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Comments 119

dbiers September 22 2005, 07:44:25 UTC
If one be wantin' ter discuss havin' a mite bit o'somethin' run-up yonder flagpole in the crows-nest, how would she be goin' about it?


likeguidelines September 22 2005, 18:54:29 UTC
What would ye be havin' in mind?


dbiers September 22 2005, 19:44:16 UTC
Be ye havin' access to AIM? Otherwise, I'll be settin' up a spot so we might talkin' in private like.


likeguidelines September 22 2005, 20:06:29 UTC
IM's freedomfry95, and it be a pirate-speak free zone, thank God. :)


fates_jaye September 30 2005, 05:27:00 UTC
If you're ever looking for someone else to help out with the crazies who make the radio show, I'm more or less willing.


likeguidelines September 30 2005, 05:44:22 UTC
We always be lookin' fer other insane people to join our merry band of buccaneers. Would ye be lookin' to do research (daily recap of one of the communities), on-air personality stuff, or both?


fates_jaye October 2 2005, 07:09:54 UTC
Um... Whatever you need me for. I could do research. Putting me on the air could be... interesting.


likeguidelines October 2 2005, 23:02:04 UTC
Research is always welcomed! To join up, apply for membership at Fandom Radio, and I'll put you on the filter. Would you mind doing the daily recaps of fandom_townies?


iwasawesome September 30 2005, 07:35:05 UTC
OOC- hey, I have to be away from the computer for a few days, I should be back by Monday at the latest. I won't be able to give summaries or anything, sorry.


kawalsky September 30 2005, 10:16:38 UTC
Barbossa! Pal. I spoke to a lovely blonde girl who says she might say yes if you invite her to Homecoming. You might remember her from the MFCD meeting. Callisto. psycho_barbie. Now all you gotta remember is to bring her flowers (you can get some from Jack's Rose Shop) and call her a 'lady', 'woman' or.. I think you could get away with 'she-devil' as a compliment. But not 'wench'. Get the invitation right and you're in. Call me if you need help! And lemme know how it goes!


auroryborealis October 2 2005, 23:03:11 UTC
(Rory is calling from the field trip, via her cell phone. The signal is good, but one can hear strange noises in the background - loud buzzing, and occasional slapping sounds.)

"Hey Barbossa - it's Rory Gilmore. I have a question for you.

As part of - get off! - my campaign for Student Relations Officer, I've been promising to keep the student body at large updated on what goes on in our government on a - ew! - weekly basis. I was planning on using the paper...but what would you think of my using the radio? I could do a spot, say every Thursday, with a little blurb about any plans - Logan, it's on my arm, get it off, get it off! - we may be enacting, and et cetera.

Get back to me when you can. I know you're probably still on the field trip - so am I, but it's nice how my phone gets a really great - ow! - signal here. Anyway, I'll - damn it! - catch up with you later. Bye!"


auroryborealis October 2 2005, 23:04:42 UTC
[ooc: Forgot to add the OOC note, ha. Anyway, what I was thinking for this was that I might leave Rory's report in Barbossa's VM, and we could just say she was in the studio saying it at the time. Or whatever works for you. And also - if you ever need help with anything re: the radio, I'm more than willing. :)]


likeguidelines October 2 2005, 23:05:18 UTC
That be fine, Rory. Assumin' ye be elected, o'course, I'd be more than happy t'give ye time to tell the students about yer plans.


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