Who: Dean, Demon!Dean (
roads_end ), Sam (
getyourownpie ) and Claire Bennet (
excheerleader )
What: Dean confronts the demonic version of himself that Claire's been helping out.
When: Monday, after Dean's arrival in NYC and talks with
Sylar &
Sam; Immediately following
Claire telling Dean that there's a demon version of him in her bedroom.Where: New York City, NY ; Nathan Petrelli's apartment
Note: Banner by
secretlytodream Verse: Brave New World
Ignoring the protesting bangs on the front door, and gritting his teeth hoping that thing inside the other room didn't hear and come out prematurely to investigate, Dean swung his head around to survey the living room looking for anything he could conceivably use as a rudimentary drawing tool. He patted his pockets down for chalk, but somehow he wasn't even packing. With a frown, he started pulling out drawers, wondering why in the hell Nathan didn't have any permanent markers lying around. As he violently yanked out one desk drawer, a thin pink tube rolled forward towards him, and he grabbed it without too much thought as to what it was.
He had to fight against rolling his eyes when he realized it was some of Claire's lip-gloss. But options were limited and Claire was still making too much noise, so he hooked a foot through the leg of a bar stool and squeaked it over to the middle of the room, hoisting himself up and screwing the cap off.
He really hoped it never got back to anyone else that he had actually made a pink strawberry scented Devil's Trap.
When he was done, he hopped down and slid the stool back in place, chucking the nearly empty tube in the trash can, and listening to see if Claire was gone yet. He refused to risk getting her near the demon again. Once he was satisfied, he rapped firmly on the door.
"Alright, you sonuvabitch. Come on out. I know it's me you want."