& | Poll

Feb 12, 2007 14:22

Howdy there. I bring you another poll, though really this is more for personal reasons than community reasons.

abrightsky (icons found at creamsodas - go join!) and I would like to open an icontest challenge. However, we've seemed to stumble upon a roadblock; thus, the poll. Obviously, our biggest concern is member participation. So I bring you two choices, and we would both greatly appreciate it if you could fill it out.

Option A: Multifandom Icontest
- This would consist of an icontest were every single week there's a new fandom featured. We're talking all across the spectrum of fandoms, from Alias to One Tree Hill to Ugly Betty (see .. the whole alphabet!) The profile will always list 10 of the next upcoming challenges, so you'd know ahead of time when a fandom you're interested in is up (should you be one of those people who only enter icontests that feature fandoms you're interested in).

Option B: Single Fandom Icontest
- This one is pretty obvious, we'd select just one fandom and do a week challenge featuring only that fandom. We haven't decided on a fandom yet (which may just result in another poll, lol).

That's it, and now for the poll.

Poll Icontest Community

Thanks from both of us for filling it out. I'll keep you updated on whatever we end up doing. Have a great week everyone!

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