Poll | Likedejavu Questionaire

Jan 17, 2007 18:46

Hi there O'So Lovely Members of mine. =o)

So I'm in the middle of sprucing up the community (I can't believe I'm just shy of 200 members!! Eeep.) Like I told you last update, I changed the layout. And since then I've cleaned up the tags and updated the tags and now you can find them in the sidebar for easy access.

Like I also mentioned, there's a poll I've been meaning to make. I finally sat down and whipped it up. I'd love it if as many of you could fill it out as possible. Mostly there's just questions about things I've always wondered in reguards to icon journals and what people prefer. I know what I look for in icon journals, but have always been interested in other's opinion. There's also a question in there for the next tutorial. I've gotten quite a few requests, and while I don't have PSP files of all of them, I do for some of them (the ones included in the poll). Some of the icons use the same coloring, just so you know. I figured I'd do a poll so I know which coloring people want a tutorial of ASAP.

ETA: This poll will be up forever, however in reguards to the tutorial question that will only be up until Friday/Saturday night. Or sooner if one of the tutorials is a clear 'winner' by a long shot.

Poll Like Dejavu Questionaire

Feel free to leave anything else you'd like to share in the comments.

That's all, pretty please with a cherry on top could you fill out the poll? You members are really great. I'm a part of quite a few icon journals and I see things all the time like people not crediting, not enough people commenting and all that and luckily I don't have that problem here. You guys are polite when taking icons and requesting tutorials or asking where I got a resouce from. And you guys have been really great about not getting all bent out of shape when I say I'll update one day and then not do it until two weeks later a little later than promised. I truely appreciate it. But that won't be an issue anymore, well ... at least for the next two months while I'm taking some Me time and looking for another job. Have a great week everyone, see you later this week. *hugs*

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