"Take it easy Ron Jeremy!"

Nov 04, 2009 16:56


Went to York to see Manchester Orchestra last Friday. It was amazing. They get better every time I see them. Andy played some RAGC which was gorgeous. They're hilarious too. I wish the audience could've shut it at times but everyone seemed in a good mood so nevermind. It sucked that the audience only appreciated Andy though and no-one shouted that they love the band/anyone else but him. I was hoping he'd pull a Jesse, "we're called Brand New", but nah.

This (none are good though) sucks but I didn't get any clear photos of Robert and J.


(Almost a year of mostly blurred concert photos I've finally realised that the image stabilization setting is always off and I have to change it before I take anything. My photos still look shitty but I can make out who they are now, yay.)

Nearly walked right into J on my way to the merch table (smooth), which I caved at and bought another tee. At least I'll be kitted out when I'm too broke to buy food.

After the show I met Chris and J (well, I squeaked like 2 sentences at them), Chris 'ahw'ed at me because I said I was terrible at meeting people. J seemed nice, I was a bit worried what with the deathglare (in Birmingham there was so much glaring I avoided looking at him) he has on stage. Also didn't want to say anything incase I was like "you are so pretty", he probably wouldn't have appreciated that. He is gorgeous though, the whole band is imo.

They were resting the paper on their hands so it's just scrawl (maybe they always sign like that idk). Probably looks like forged them, I'm not that sad.

Waiting around to meet Andy was pretty awkward because there was a group of people talking to him and I was by myself. He was really lovely and it wasn't forced. People were nagging at him to go (doors were closing, idk) but he stayed to call Anna and sign my setlist. It was sweet that he waited, I expected him to just say "hi, thanks, bye" but he stayed for like 5 minutes. I got me +1 on the guestlist for Newcastle, yess. Anna couldn't make it to the York gig so I was happy to get her (and me) in. I'm stoked I got a setlist because I wanted to give Anna the one I got in Birmingham anyway and now everybody happy.

I'm pretty sure he said "your friend is fantastic" to Anna, haha. I hope I didn't mishear that.
My memory is so bad and I get all tense and nervous when I'm meeting someone and forget so much and I'm disappointed (for once, I think it's usually a good thing that I forget being a dork) that I can't remember most of what he/I said. All I remember clearly is "Sarah with an h?" "yeah" *sigh* (I had no idea what he meant but later I saw that he'd spelt my name without the h on my setlist) and "your surname is Payne?". He initiated a hug which is nice because you don't have the worry they'll be like "no, fuck off" if you ask. It was lovely <3

After this it was 11 and I had until half 4 'til my coach. I called Hay and she got all maternal and was like "I don't like the idea of you waiting in the train station in the middle of the night, get a taxi here because there's been some muggings." Much nicer to watch Fight Club at her's than shiver at the train station for 5 hours. Would've been worth it anyway though.

tl;dr version = Went to see Manchester Orchestra on Friday. They are amazing and gorgeous. Met 3 of the guys. Chris and J are nice. Andy Hull is a sweetheart. On the guestlist for show in Newcastle tonight, sweet :D

Halloween was fun. Anna and I watched movies and Spongebob until 6am. I had no candy though because I forgot to pick it up. I pigged out on take-out though so it's all good. I should've bought Mirrors because it's freaky and the jawbone scene is gross.

Why can't I ever make short updates? Ramble ramble. I realise I've said awkward about 10 times, what a dork. xo
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