Jul 29, 2008 19:37

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Both FPF and RPF are welcome. Het, slash, femslash - anything and everything. XDSO THIS IS THE IDEA. You comment with something kinky you've always wanted to read in the Narnia fandom. Anything goes, for real. Bring out your deepest darkest kinks, the things you've always been curious about but been too shy ( Read more... )

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"lay yourself to waste" [1/3] penguingeek August 8 2008, 18:11:56 UTC
HI. Have I seen you somewhere before? ;)

Eustace/Puddleglum. I hope I don't completely corrupt your Puddleglum - not to mention your Eustace - love with this thing. D:


The first day Eustace meets Puddleglum, he thinks the creature looks dreadfully strange. His skin has a muddy look to it, his tobacco smells absolutely horrid, and his hands are webbed - but all the same he finds him slightly attractive. He rapidly grows annoyed with the way he's so negative, and when Eustace tries to make any advances toward him he only fends him off, whether voluntarily or no (Eustace can hardly tell). Jill only gives Eustace a look that clearly says, Please, slightly awkwardly disgusted look on her face, and he tries to stop. He just can't, though.

Puddleglum, for his part, thinks Eustace is rather bossy. He tries to tell Puddleglum that he and that girl can get along well enough on their own, thank you very much. But Puddleglum knows they need his help, because when have they ever been in the north? Anyhow, he wants to go along with them. Because - well, accidentally, of course - Puddleglum happened to be shifting spots to catch eels, and he happened to wander too close to where the children had been bathing. It was only an accident that he saw Eustace there, just getting out of the water, shivering slightly and all naked. Puddleglum had stared for a moment before he felt a tug on his fishing pole, and he looked away. The next he'd seen Eustace the boy was actually clothed, and Puddleglum regretted not getting a better look.


Eustace is sleeping with Jill at his back, Puddleglum farther off, and he can see the Marsh-wiggle from his spot. His snoring keeps Eustace up, but Eustace doesn't mind, anyhow - he and Jill have found ways to keep warm, and he can watch the creature freely, now, without worry.

Or at least he thinks that, until Jill sighs loudly behind him.

"Eustace?" her voice is quiet. Maybe she'd actually thought he was asleep.


"What are you thinking about?"

He turns over to face her. "Things," he says simply, and it's the truth, but only if things applies to the way Puddleglum looks when he sleeps or how his body is all tall and lanky, the way he smells of earth and it reminds Eustace of gardening.

"Hm," she says, "I'm wondering how someone could snore so loud. Really." She makes a face. "I miss home," she whispers, and cuddles closer. Eustace wants to ask her if home is Experiment House or her own house, but he thinks that his home is Narnia. Or it feels that way, at least.

"I do too," he says, half-lying.

"Do you - Eustace, do you like him? I mean," she says, looking embarrassed, "the way boys should only like girls?"

"What?" he says, surprised. "Why would you get that idea?"

"Oh, I don't know," she's blushing, now, probably worried that she's wrong, "you just look at him all the time. It just doesn't seem right, to me, somehow. Boys can't be with other boys in England."

It's the truth, Eustace knows. So maybe that's why he wants it so badly, here.



"lay yourself to waste" [2/3] penguingeek August 8 2008, 18:13:51 UTC
Eustace, unlike Jill, is never bothered by some silly giantess at Harfang. In fact, he's led to his room - Puddleglum still in that giant's palm - the giant runs a bath for him, leaves a towel for him and dinner, and is off, showing Puddleglum to his own room. Eustace takes his food first, ravenously hungry, and once his belly is full he slides into the enormous bathtub. He can hardly swim, full as he is, but he does a few laps and climbs back out, resting on the towel in front of the fire. He's lying on his stomach, just thinking that he might not even be able to get up again to get into bed, he's so comfortable, when Puddleglum comes in. It's quite a challenge, considering the door is rather large, but it's slightly ajar so he only pushes it a bit and he's in. He sees Eustace lying on the towel, drying skin glowing in the fire-light, and approaches him, careful to be quiet. He's not exactly sure why, but the teeny tiny part of his brain that still retains sober logic tells him he should.

Anyhow, Puddleglum crosses the room to approach Eustace - he forgets why he came here in the first place, but anyhow he thinks he must see him now - and just as Eustace turns over, exposing his front and observing Puddleglum from where he can see him between his legs, Puddleglum hiccoughs.

"Oh," Eustace says, heart hammering in his chest, "I didn't hear you come in."

Hic. "I should've knocked. Knockeded. Surry," he says as a way of apology, not bothering to avert his gaze.

"Er," Eustace looks around for some way to cover himself, and settles for closing his legs, which seems to least he can do. "What do you want, Puddleglum? Don't you have your own meal and bath to take?"

"Uh," Puddleglum isn't really sure. He mostly was dropped off in his room, passed out for a bit, and woke again with his body aching in an awkward place. He thought of Eustace, and came to his room. Because, well, it only seemed appropriate. "No, I don't think I do. Anyway they shouldn't know what sort of bath to give me, I think. We respetafiggles like mudbaths, yes sir."

"Oh, well. And, er, you didn't answer my first question. Why have you come here?"

"Uh," he says again. He looks down at his crotch and rubs it lightly. "This?" Eustace's eyes widen when he sees the tent in his pants grow larger, he looks away quickly. He knows he shouldn't do anything hasty, after all, he will have to leave Narnia someday - he knows that.

"I can't help you with that."

What did he say? Puddleglum can't quite figure it out, he isn't sure what it means, but anyhow he leans down over Eustace and breathes above his face.

"I want you," he says, and Eustace can smell the sour scent of whatever giant's alcohol is on his breath, "to help me with it." He looks down between Eustace's legs, brings a webbed hand to touch him there, but he misjudges and rubs his hand down his legs. "Oh, whoops," he says, and pushes in between them, allowing his hand to touch Eustace's bum. Eustace's legs part slightly, his mouth opening in an o, and he breathes quickly, now.

"That's - actually - that's alright, Puddleglum. I'd like to help," he says, needy.

"Good," Puddleglum says, letting his hand drift upward, "good." Eustace is fully hard now, webbed hand cupping his balls, rubbing up his cock.

"Guh," Eustace chokes out. He's touched himself before but fuck, the way Puddleglum's skin all connects, and it just plain feels different -

"Over. Uh, turn. Over, that is," Puddleglum says drunkenly, stumbling over his words, voice low.

"Er, alright," he says, obeying, back arching up like a bridge.


"lay yourself to waste" [3/4] (I lied, oops :x) penguingeek August 8 2008, 18:15:36 UTC
"Ah," Puddleglum exclaims at the sight. He stands up quickly to remove his clothes - which have never before seemed so restricting - and takes his place behind Eustace. "I can't, uh, do this right," he says, maybe not saying exactly what he means, and pushes all his fingers in at once, slightly moist and burning inside Eustace.

"Fuck," he says, not expecting that. Puddleglum spreads his fingers inside Eustace.

"What do you think?" Damnit, Eustace thinks, even like this he worries.

"It's good, really," he breathes out, eager for Puddleglum to shut up and just do it. "You're doing it right."

"Hm," he says, even as he moves his fingers in-out quickly, even as he brushes them against Eustace's prostate, evoking a long moan as Eustace's body shudders. "I don't think so."

He moves closer to him, pulls his fingers out - Eustace gasps quickly - and pushes his cock against Eustace's behind, large and slick and oh, Eustace braces himself. Puddleglum pushes in harshly, as if trying to ameliorate the situation that was otherwise alright - not that Eustace is complaining. In fact, he only gasps loudly and moans. "Pud - Puddle - fuck."

"Is that word good?" Puddleglum asks, and Eustace can feel his breath warm against his neck. He smells like earth and, somehow, of water. "You've said it a lot."


"lay yourself to waste" [4/4] penguingeek August 8 2008, 18:16:19 UTC
"Yes, yes, it's good." He pushes his arse back into Puddleglum to prove his point, and groans at the contact. His skin is unexpectedly sticky, moist, only thin planes of skin, hairless - almost, he thinks, like a frog's. Puddleglum, thinking it's alright to continue, then, if Eustace says so, puts both webbed hands at Eustace's hips and pulls out, pushing Eustace away from him slightly as he does so. He pushes back in, and Eustace thinks with some embarrassment that he's so big he can hardly stand it, it hurts.

Puddleglum continues pushing, thrusting, faster now, all sticky skin at his groin that makes noise as it hits Eustace's bum, hair falling over his shoulders onto Eustace's back, and he turns his head to the side and gives out a cry, and Eustace only makes a sound when he feels Puddleglum coming inside of him, quick and rough. Puddleglum pulls out swiftly.

Eustace turns over, his own cock still hard, and looks at Puddleglum, who's collapsed back on the towel.

"Well, that was good, Scrubb," he says, regaining his breath.

"Yes, Puddleglum. Now please," he says, spreading his legs again, "me too." He feels desperate and dirty, opening his legs and demanding satisfaction, but Puddleglum only says "oh" lightly and - maybe Marsh-wiggles don't blush, but the skin on his cheeks grows slightly darker brown - moves between Eustace's legs again.

"What? er, do you want me to do?" he asks, looking down at Eustace's erection - bright pink and smaller than his own, and he wonders if all humans are this strange.

"Oh, er," Eustace says, knowing what he wants but not sure how - not willing - to put it into words. It's awkward, despite what they just did, and strange. "Er?"

"Hm," Puddleglum replies, "I suppose I'll just have to do what I want, then. Not sure you'll like it, though," he says, and leans down to take Eustace's cock in his mouth. Eustace gasps because it's so wet, and because Puddleglum's hand is on him again, touching whatever part of his shaft he can't reach with his mouth.

Puddleglum pops his lips off. "Is this good?" he asks briefly, lips humming against his slit in their propinquity.

Eustace opens his eyes to look down at him quickly. "Yes," he says, closing them again, "very."

"Well, then," he responds, and continues. He licks lines on his cock, up and down, tasting him and savoring it, hums against his skin, presses his fingers into the sides and rubbing them up and down. Eustace bucks his hips in the air, causing Puddleglum to cough. He stops for a second, looks at Eustace questioningly.

"No," Eustace says, grabbing onto his green-gray hair, "that's good."

He licks around the tip a bit before putting Eustace back in his mouth fully, uses his other hand now to cup his balls and squeeze them.

"Ah, good," Eustace says briefly before coming into Puddleglum's mouth, hips bucking again, and Puddleglum swallows eagerly. He collapses back onto the towel, the Marsh-wiggle next to him.

"See," Eustace says, looking at him through a haze blurred by tiredness and sex. "That was good."

"Well, perhaps we should do that some more. It could get better, you know," Puddleglum responds, almost matter-of-fact. "And look, it's raining. I should wonder at our luck that we're inside, at least," he says, and starts to get up.

"Where are you going?" Eustace asks. He's never done this before but it doesn't seem the right thing to do, to separate.

"Back to my room. To sleep there," he says, "I'm tired."

"Er, no," Eustace stands up all wobbly, "I think you should stay here. After all, there's no harm in it. Not after -" he indicates the enormous towel he'd just been lying on.

Puddleglum sighs, starts for the bed, "I suppose you're right," he says, and Eustace smiles.

They both fall asleep quickly that night, and somehow, Eustace isn't so bothered by Puddleglum's snoring anymore.




Re: "lay yourself to waste" [4/4] cocomouse123 August 8 2008, 18:43:02 UTC

*goes to read again*


Re: "lay yourself to waste" [4/4] eosrose August 8 2008, 22:49:29 UTC
I think you just killed me.

Puddleglum/Eustace? Oh, gawd. I think I have a new obsession. Curse you!


WOW I WASN'T EXPECTING PORN elendraug August 8 2008, 23:49:30 UTC



whoa, uh. where to start XDDDD

I REALLY LIKE THAT THIS COVERS WHAT WENT ON IN HARFANG because we only ever see Jill's POV, and I love how Puddleglum is SUCH A WET BLANKET ALL THE TIME, IT ENTERTAINS ME SO MUCH and Jill's like "god you two D8" and FROG-LIKE. STUFF. WOW. and yeah wow Puddleglum's like eighty billion feet tall, Eustace is hardcore, and you are a braver person than me XDDD

KICKASS and thank you, ahahaha. You rock so fucking much.

C.S. Lewis would be so proud of both of us, I'm sure


Re: WOW I WASN'T EXPECTING PORN penguingeek August 9 2008, 00:41:07 UTC

UR WELCOME BB. lolz, I hope it wasn't TOO weird o_o

(Excuse: I haven't read Silver Chair in a while and Puddleglum gen might be a bit TOO much. har har, er.)


Re: WOW I WASN'T EXPECTING PORN elendraug August 9 2008, 01:02:22 UTC


again, you are faaar braver than me XD

Man, Silver Chair is totally my favorite one ♥ I just got the audiobook for it


Re: WOW I WASN'T EXPECTING PORN penguingeek August 9 2008, 02:15:19 UTC
I'll pay for a new one, or if you want to repair yours. with the little money I have D:



Re: WOW I WASN'T EXPECTING PORN elendraug August 9 2008, 04:54:56 UTC



Re: "lay yourself to waste" [4/4] ineptshieldmaid August 9 2008, 14:12:40 UTC
Wow. It takes talent to make marshwiggle sex hot!


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