Jul 29, 2008 19:37

(anonymity optional!)

Both FPF and RPF are welcome. Het, slash, femslash - anything and everything. XDSO THIS IS THE IDEA. You comment with something kinky you've always wanted to read in the Narnia fandom. Anything goes, for real. Bring out your deepest darkest kinks, the things you've always been curious about but been too shy ( Read more... )

! (meme), party in the comments, ! [fandom] narnia

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gah. "Atomic" [2/4] penguingeek August 6 2008, 01:58:42 UTC
Even as he says it, he knows what Peter had been doing; he'd heard about it from some older boys, had learned about it in school - but it was another thing entirely to see his own brother doing it. It wasn't right, it was weird - because Peter was always the good boy, the role model - and what's worse, Edmund's cheeks flushed not at finding his brother in such an awkward way, it seemed, but at the way Peter's hand had been pulling at his cock with wanton urgency, the way his eyes had fluttered open at the sudden intrusion, the way his mouth was open wide and his breathing was shallow, and at the sudden realization of why Peter had said Edmund's name.

"Oh, er, I'm. Sorry. I - I didn't -"

"Damnit, Ed!" His tone is entirely different now, more angry (still laced with desire), and he releases his grip on his cock awkwardly and sits up, trying to hide his erection. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I - heard you leave. I was...I was worried," he says, lamely, realizing Peter probably thinks Edmund stupid for worrying at something like this. He lets his gaze drift just between Peter's bent legs, where he can barely see his cock still erect, precome glistening at its tip - and why does Peter have a hand on his balls, still? (Oh, Edmund thinks, fuck, because he realizes maybe Peter wants Edmund to stay with him, watch him - Edmund wants to be disgusted at the idea but he can only observe how his brother looks so beautiful and fuck, Peter, and is it getting hot in here? - all the blood rushes down and he's getting hard).

Peter notices with widened eyes and closes his lips, swallowing the lump in his throat nervously at the sight. He wants this, but Edmund looks scared and damnit, he's too young and they're brothers -

"Peter, I'm sorry -" he says as he turns to leave, choking slightly on his words because he shouldn't be getting harder by the second, and why are his pajama pants so faithless?

Edmund has one hand on the door handle, almost pushes up, but Peter rises quickly and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"No, Edmund - please. Look at me?" Edmund turns around to do so, thinks to look down - avert Peter's gaze - but when he only sees aching red cock and the tent in his own pants, he looks up into Peter's eyes (worried). "I - I hope you're not - that is, I hope you don't hate me. It's, Edmund, you don't understand. It's alright to think about -" (he isn't sure which phrase to use, other boys or your brother) "- this way. It's not -"

"No it isn't, Peter. Not ever." He looks down again. Whatever his mind says, his body betrays him. First his pants, now his dick (still hard).

"I love you, Ed. As a brother, and... But you don't have to. What I do here stays here, it doesn't change us as brothers. Right?"

Edmund looks at his honest face for a moment - he wants to say no - looks down at both of their groins - wants to say yes. He isn't even sure what he'll say until it comes out of his mouth.

"No," he says, "it won't, Peter." Feeling brave, he grabs Peter's arm - still on his shoulder - with his hand to keep it there, stands on the tips of his toes so he's closer to Peter's face. "I want this, Peter, not just here, everywhere, please," the last part comes out choked, desperate, and Peter reaches down quickly, puts his hand on the back of his neck to play with the soft hair there and kisses him greedily.

"Oh, Ed," he breathes into Edmund's mouth, and it makes him shiver, and he gives a tiny whine. Peter responds by kissing him more, more often and more deeply, teaching Edmund in his inexperience with care.


"Atomic" [3/4] penguingeek August 6 2008, 01:59:15 UTC
Edmund isn't sure what to do, of course - all he knows is that he feels restrained, he needs more skin and more of Peter's touch, so he says, a bit needy, "Clothes, Peter." He thinks afterward it sounds stupid, he'd expected Peter to laugh, but Peter only parts the kiss, makes as little space as is needed for him to unbutton Edmund's nightshirt, and then he roams down his body, pulls down at his pajama pants and kisses the exposed skin there. Edmund falls back against the stairs a bit whenever Peter kisses up along his freed erection to the tip, groans loudly and grabs a handful of golden locks. Peter reaches down to kiss him again, grabs Edmund's arm and pulls him up so he's more comfortable.

On second thought -

Peter is breathing heavily, looking down at Edmund, who's sitting on the steps awkwardly. "Uh, Ed," he begins, clearly not sure what to say, "I - that is, would you let me, er," he flushes slightly, "take you?" His voice quiets as he progresses, and he hopes to whatever God there is that Edmund at least understands what he means. In fact -

"Oh," Edmund says, looking at his legs interestedly, "yes, Peter." He looks up, gives Peter what he hopes is a loving smile, but it only looks sort of awkward with - well, with everything (his cheeks flushed, his legs open, his cock still aching hard).

Peter swallows a lump in his throat. His throat is suddenly curiously dry. "Good. Ed, I love you. So much," he says, leaning down and grabbing Edmund's hand, not bothering to stand up and instead shuffling across the hard floor on his knees. Edmund follows, leans back on the concrete, legs spread wide to let Peter in between, and lets Peter kiss him, touch him reverently.

Peter says, more nervous now than ever, "Alright. Er, on your front, I think it might be easier," and looks at Edmund shyly, unused to this place and not sure what to do with it, what to say.

Edmund lets his back arch gracefully, curving up so his bum is near Peter's hot center, resting himself on his elbows, face mere millimeters from the floor, and the cold radiating from it is possibly the only way he can cool down, now.

"Easy," Peter says, and Edmund hears him lick his fingers, lubricate them with his own precome before pushing one in, two in. Edmund cries out softly. "Relax," Peter tells him, leaning down to kiss his shoulder gently. He tries, but fuck, Peter pushes in more and more - he gets in as many fingers as he can, pushing all the while (in and out, a bit), touches something.


"Atomic" [4/4] penguingeek August 6 2008, 01:59:45 UTC
Edmund's back curves upward, his head droops so he can almost see Peter behind him. He moans loudly because damnit, what was that? Peter does it again to the same effect. Edmund arches up again, but this time, when his arms pick him up, they quickly bring him back down, shaking. "Peter," he gasps into the air, and Peter knows he's ready.

With a quick Ed, I love you as a way of warning, Peter thrusts his cock in, presses in all the way so that Edmund can feel the heat of his groin and the coarse hair of puberty against his bum, and he cries out. Peter does also, a long Oh sound at the feeling of being inside Edmund, but he's there quick enough to reassure Edmund that he'll be careful, to ask him if he feels alright.

"Y-yes. It feels...good. So good." It is all Edmund can say, because he's panting too hard, but Peter understands. "Good," he says in response, "I'm going to... erm, move, now."

He reaches around Edmund's waist to grab his cock, one hand still on Edmund's hip, and as he draws out he pulls, squeezes at Edmund's cock tightly, causing Edmund to bring his forehead closer to the concrete, shuddering slightly. He thrusts back in rather roughly, slides his hand back down Edmund's cock to the base, slicking precome all the way down as he does so. Edmund can only make a nnngh sound, fingers splayed out on the cold floor, twisting in to make fists at the feeling of Peter reaching that spot again.

His entire body shifts on the floor with every slow-fast movement, his knees are becoming skinned and grazed and may even be slightly bloody, his toes are cramping where they bend against the floor, he doesn't know how long he can last with his legs this wide open. But then Peter pulls his hand away from Edmund's hip swiftly to let it fall painfully onto the floor as he supports himself, riding out his orgasm inside Edmund with a loud cry. Edmund's eyes widen at the sensation and Peter gives his cock one last quick squeeze before Edmund comes too, spilling onto the floor and his stomach and collapsing atop the mess, Peter on top of him.

Edmund gives a soft oof at the weight and Peter shifts off, instead settling for cupping Edmund's body within his. The floor is uncomfortable, but neither notices; Peter kisses the back of Edmund's neck (all he can say is "Edmund, Edmund, oh fuck,") and Edmund lets his eyes slide closed, just for a minute.

Edmund can feel Peter's breathing has evened, and he says, rather awkwardly, "Well, er. We should get back to bed." He slides out of Edmund, leaving him with a cold ghost at his back and gets dressed, Edmund watching him with intent eyes all the while. Peter looks at him and smiles almost shyly, helps him stand up, Edmund staggering at the new sensation of having been filled so completely and at the feeling of being empty, now. Peter cleans off Edmund's stomach and the floor with his own underpants - "It doesn't matter, Mum will think it was only me" - and clasps his hand.

He kisses Edmund softly, at the threshold to something new. "I love you too, Peter," Edmund says quietly, and when he feels Peter smile against his lips, shift to kiss his jaw, he whispers into his hair, "and I think I quite like this." Peter laughs, then.

Edmund can hear the rain on the door to the shelter. Perhaps the two boys will be able to sleep, now.


fin. ♥


Re: "Atomic" [4/4] hipsandcars August 6 2008, 02:34:04 UTC





I may or may not have a really huuuuge kink for first-time Pevensiecest sex, and maybe, just maybe, I have a ridiculous obsession with the bomb shelter because of this kink request.

But, y'know, I'm not going to incriminate myself.


Re: "Atomic" [4/4] elendraug August 7 2008, 02:09:14 UTC

I like the awkwardness of it, actually, and the SNEAKING OUT INTO THE NIGHT FOR AN ADVENTURE! feel. XD I really like that you included realistic details like the concrete hurting his knees and his toes getting uncomfortable, and pubic hair, etc etc. It makes it more believable.

Well done!


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