Ooookay. I've kind of been putting this off because the AMAZINGNESS OF PRINCE CASPIAN CANNOT BE ACCURATELY TEXTUALLY RENDERED, but right now I'm feeling more relaxed than I was after both the premiere and going to the cinema last night, so I'm going to finally give this entry a go.
First of all, it was so good to finally be able to see it at a regular cinema. Because obviously the premiere was a completely amazing experience, but it was so amazing that my head was kind of all over the place by the time the movie even started. And it's not like I didn't take anything in, it was just...I dunno, it took me like half an hour to calm down and everything, and I remembered scenes all out of sequence and stuff.
I don't even know where to start. I guess the most important this is how fucking awesome Edmund is. Like, I knew that already because people had said so, but I didn't know quite HOW awesome. When he had a good line or did something cool, near the start, I was like "oh, that must've been what people were talking about!" but no. No. HE IS LIKE THAT THE WHOLE MOVIE, AND IT IS JUST...*FLAILS* AMAZING.
Not only does he have those badass moments like:
- leaping in to save Peter in the fight at the beginning
- sliding down the roof
- falling onto the griffin's back
- saving everybody from the White Witch
BUT, he has all those great snarky lines! Like:
- "We are talking to you" in response to Susan's "Quick, pretend you're talking to me!"
- I know, you had it sorted." ♥
- "Well, I didn't exactly have a solid gold chess set in Finchley, did I?"
- "It's King Edmund, actually. Just King, though. Peter's the High King. (...) I know, it's confusing."
- "So you're bravely refusing to fight a swordsman half your age?"
- "I'm older and I don't think I want to understand" after Susan kisses Caspian. This line made me want to MARRY him right then and there, trufax.
I just. I can't even. WHY IS HE SO AWESOME. It's even better because Edmund has ALWAYS been my favourite character. Like I know he's the one everybody hated in LWW, but I honestly always liked him. I like, literally had arguments at school with people over him, because people would always be like "HE IS AN EVIL TRAITOR" and like...yes, he made mistakes, but I totally understand why he made them? It makes perfect sense to me. It's not like he KNEW what he was doing, and the moment he figured it out, it was fine.
Anyway, though. WHAT ELSE. I absolutely love the role reversal between Peter and Edmund. Like, I honestly love that Peter is such an ass and is convinced he knows everything when actually practically everything he says is wrong. I still love Peter and everything, I just love that he's like that this time for some reason. I guess because it gives Edmund the chance to KICK ASS. XD
ALSO, and this is a big deal, I DID NOT HATE SUSAN. I have always hated Susan, particularly in LWW. There are certain lines of hers in LWW that make me, like, clench my fists. I adore Anna, as you know, but Susan just drives me crazy. But in PC! SHE DOES NOT AT ALL! I love that she gets to fight. Anna was explaining why they put that in, in an interview, and it does make a lot of sense -- they needed all the help they could get, why would they not let her fight, just because she's a girl? So I'm glad that they had that in there and it didn't seem totally unbelievable.
One of my favourite scenes in the whole movie is the bit where she sends Lucy on ahead because they're being followed, and she just stands there in the woods and it's all quiet, and she just calmly shoots man after's just so so cool. I love that it's so, like, calculated and calm, not a huge crazy battle type thing. I don't know.
And Lucy! I still can't get over how much Georgie's grown and I'm kind of accepting that I might never, because pretty much every time I see her I have that same reaction. I love the way Lucy like, pounces on Aslan when he turns up, because THAT'S TOTALLY WHAT I WOULD DO, and actually what I really wanted to do, because he just looks so fluffy. XD I also loved the whole thing with her and Trumpkin, because it was adorable. :D
Umm. Lolol I was just like "right, so that's the characters?" and then remembered Caspian. MY LACK OF INTEREST IN BEN BARNES, LET ME SHOW YOU IT. *cough* So yeah...I don't know. The first time I saw it, I laughed EVERY TIME HE SPOKE for at least the first...third of the film. My sister did too. I CAN'T HELP IT, THE ACCENT IS RIDICULOUS. But THEN, I did get over it. And didn't pay attention to it anymore. And when I got home, the trailer came on TV and I didn't laugh at his "I am Prince Caspian" line (for the first time EVER) whereas my Mum cracked up and was like "I see what you mean about the accent." I guess I just got used to it, because I didn't laugh this time around either.
Also, damn you
diskoandlace! I think I told you this last night on MSN, but seriously, your obsession with Ben is like...contagious, or something. I honestly paid him no attention during the premiere, but this time? I KEPT GETTING DISTRACTED AND NOT LISTENING TO HIS LINES. D: It wasn't like, THAT often, just every now and then there would be a certain shot where he'd look really, really good and I'd be like *stares* "Wait, what?" ACK.
Okay! Now onto the slashy stuff for a while. I can't possibly not mention the best exchange in the entire movie, which is:
(Edmund is examining Peter's dislocated arm)
Peter - (gazes lovingly at him) "You know, you've always been there, and I've never really--"
Edmund - (fixes arm) "Save it for later."
THAT IS SO NOT A BROTHERLY CONVERSATION. "You've always been there, and I've never really--" WHAT.
thisissirius and I have decided that Will was totally bleeding into his character there, and Skandar was like "DUDE SAVE IT FOR LATER IN OUR TRAILER" and everybody on the crew was oblivious and thought it was a sweet, brotherly moment, so they left it in. AND ONLY WILL AND SKANDAR KNOW THE TRUTH. AND ALSO ANNA, BECAUSE AS WE HAVE ALL ALREADY DECIDED, SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING.
But no, seriously. That line makes me want to squee and bounce up and down in my seat, which is INAPPROPRIATE. ALSO, the intense look they share before they go into battle properly! Please know what I'm talking about!! It's like, Edmund draws his sword and then looks at him and it's just this BURNINGLY INTENSE LOOK, and just. GUH. Even my sister picked up on it at the premiere and was like "What was THAT about?"
Also, I really need someone to clear this up for me. When they first get to Narnia and run into the sea, Peter yells something, and I listened really hard last night but I still couldn't quite catch it. All I can pick up on is "Bet you can't [something something] than me, Ed!" Is it honestly something to do with taking their clothes off? What? "Bet you can't shed your clothes faster than me, Ed!"?? SERIOUSLY? IT IS AMAZING. THEY HAVE STRIPPING COMPETITIONS, IT'S A FACT.]
*attempts to calm down*
Right. What else.
Onto more mundane things (although everything is mundane when compared with Peter/Edmund):
- For SOME reason, I never pictured Reepicheep that big. Even though, like, Liz reminded me that he's even bigger in the book. My sister didn't either, and we think it might be because the talking mice in The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (which we are obsessed with) are regular sized mice, so we probably just pictured Reepicheep the same. IDK. But it freaked me out when he leapt onto Caspian's chest and was like, the size of a small cat. ACK.
- Speaking of Reepicheep, EDDIE IZZARD. HOW AWESOME IS THAT.
- Lolol when Aslan does the ~magical breathing~ thing near the end, my sister whispered to me "Mmm. Lion breath." and I'm pretty sure it's ruined that scene for me now, because last night I just dissolved into giggles at that point.
- I really hope other people who perve over Skandar thought this too, the scene where they're all asleep and it keeps showing Edmund's profile in the foreground because he's lying on his back? Um. PRETTY.
- Will looks RIDICULOUS sword-fighting.
windingarrow, you warned me about this, when I was lol'ing over his facial expressions in some of the pictures, but like...seriously. His face is made for pretty gay smiles! Not grimaces! It just doesn't work! I do love his fight with Miraz, though. EVERYONE in the cinema at the premiere CHEERED when he stabbed him, which was pretty cool, and Anna said "Will, wherever he is, is probably grinning all proudly like 'ohhh yeah' right about now." XD
- When a bunch of the Narnians get trapped behind the gate, it is just. ACK. SO SAD. :'( I hate that bit. When the minotaur finally can't do it anymore and collapses, and Peter is looking back behind him but there's nothing they can do. :( :(
- I squee'd like an idiot when I realised the White Witch was going to turn up. I CAN'T HELP IT, I LOVE TILDA SWINTON, OKAY. I was all "Yaaaayyy!" while everyone in the cinema was like "OMG NO!" and I had to be like, right, it's bad. BAD. But HOW AWESOME IS SHE. "Peter, dear. I missed you." ♥ And I LOVE how Caspian gets all entranced and stands there like a fool with his arm out, and Peter comes running in, pushes him away, and then starts to do the EXACT SAME THING. Lolllll.
- Speaking of that scene, that fucking hag will give me nightmares. I COULD BARELY WATCH THE SECOND TIME ROUND. She's so scary! And her voice! Augh. *shudders*
- The battle scene wasn't as cool as the LWW one (which, btw, is one of my favourite scenes in any film ever - sometimes I just put on the battle scene to watch without watching the rest of the movie, it is that awesome) but it was still so cool. I loved the bit where the ground basically caved in. And the sudden silence when the arrows go flying.
- When Susan was yelling to the other archers what to do and everything, I got kind of turned on. *shifty look* ANNA IS HOT, OKAY. WE ALREADY COVERED THIS.
- Lololol the whole Phyllis thing amuses me way more than it should. Geek: "What's your name?" Susan: "Phyllis." Lucy: "SUSAAAAAAN!" Ahahahaha.
- EDMUND AND HIS TORCH. I FORGOT ABOUT THAT, HOW COULD I. Hahaha, Peter trying to be all cool and tearing his shirt (actually, that bit was pretty cool) and then Edmund is like "Oh, I have this torch, will this do?" and it's just. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. And then everything he does with it. And the line at the end which they kept true to the book!! Which is just great. :D
- I liked that they didn't SHOW Aslan when Lucy first sees him. I don't know why. I just always thought they would, and it was interesting, and worked better. And Edmunnnnd, when he sticks up for her and is like "Last time I didn't believe Lucy, I ended up looking pretty stupid." EDMUND, MY LOVE. ♥
- LOLOL THE TELMARINES MARCH SO SLOOOOWLY. Anna pointed this out and would not stop giggling, and once I pointed it out to Liz at the cinema, she did the exact same thing. They take such tiny steps!! It's hilarious. Anna was like, god, they'd get there quicker if they just walked at like a normal pace. XD
Also the song, the Regina Spektor song at the end, oh, my god. I can't even express this. The lyrics fit freakishly well, and the song is so beautiful and so sad, and I cried at the premiere although I think that was partly because the whole experience was so overwhelming and omg I sound so pathetic now but SERIOUSLY. In the book I never paid it much attention that they go DIRECTLY from all of that excitement and battle and everything right back to the tube station where they have to GO TO SCHOOL AND HAVE AN ENTIRE ORDINARY DAY. D: I can't even. Wouldn't you just be like "Actually no, can I go to bed for a while please?"
I honestly just tried to explain my whole feelings about the song and that scene and everything but I can't do it, I hope some of you kind of get what I mean, though.
I only have one big problem with the movie. (I have a couple of tiny ones, like how little backstory there is about Caspian and everything, but I understand why they had to make it the way it is because it really would not have worked for them to be like HAI, HAVE SOME FLASHBACKS. It would just have brought the whole thing to a bit of a standstill and felt so out of place.) SO YEAH. It's the Susan/Caspian stuff. WHICH I would have had a problem with no matter how they'd done it, and I'm okay with admitting that.
BUT it was the way they did it. It was so lame! It was so like, unbelievable. I can just about accept why they put it in (unrealistic that they wouldn't have feelings for each other, etc) but it was done in such a half-arsed way. Like they thought "What? We have to put a romance in? Oh, all right. *sigh*" There are like, a couple of significant glances, and that lame line about the horn, and then it's like KISSING OUT OF NOWHERE, IN FRONT OF A GIANT CROWD OF PEOPLE. D:
A couple of people at the premiere behind us were like "AWWW" and Anna and I were like "GAG". It's just, blech. And yeah, I know I would've hated it whatever they'd done because I think the whole idea is stupid, but it was just...even stupider than I expected. AND, I kind of think it was OOC for Susan? Not for her to get a crush on him, but for her to do anything about it. I would imagine Susan being like "Oh, he's attractive! But this can't work out, so I should ignore my feelings completely and get on with the more important things." You know?
Anyway, I could rant about that for hours, but really it was my only big problem with the film and it definitely hasn't stopped me loving it (clearly!) so I won't say anymore about it.
I am going to leave you with this LWW .gif:
because it is MADE OF ADORABLE. Also, pretty much every time I type 'gif', I mispell it 'fig' and have to delete it and re-type.