Title: Love Shapes
Author: likecharity
Pairings: Tony/Sid, Tony/Michelle, Michelle/Cassie, Sid/Cassie.
Rating: R
Warnings: Slash, femslash and het.
Disclaimer: I don't own Skins.
A/N: I imagine this is set before the Russia trip. But I'm not entirely sure the timing matches very well.
Summary: Tony loves Michelle loves Cassie loves Sid loves
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Comments 17
She likes that she's getting to him in this tiny, subtle way, that there's this tiny indirect unspoken thing between the two of them, and it's all hers because he has no idea. - I always liked that subtle unspoken tension between Cassie and Tony that is so very canon. And wouldn't it be wonderful if Cashelle was the reason!
:D This comment made me so happy, because you understood exactly what I was trying to get at with all of the couplings. I think the thing about Skins is that it is very real, and everyone has these raw emotions and they do what they want to do with them because they're teenagers. I'm also in the Harry Potter fandom and it's hard to make people really feel things, I find, because they're characters in a book for kids. It's fun of course, to make it up, but it's nice to have the tension there to begin with ( ... )
I still haven't seen any Unseen Skins, but a few people have mentioned the Cassie/Michelle so I definitely need to.
Ah, Tony is so dependent on Sid, and I love how he just flat-out refuses to admit it. It was fun to write. *pats Tony*
I'm glad you enjoyed. :)
That first sentence really just had shivers running up and down my spine. Wow.
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