when we go up to bed you're just no good, it's such a shame

Sep 10, 2011 20:22

Reply to this post and I will pick five of your userpics for you to talk about in your journal.

corleones picked these for me:

dreamers; twins| the limbs of one seemed also to belong to the other (© yeahsoanyway)
The Dreamers is my favourite movie in the world, which is something you probably already knew about me. Isabelle and Theo's relationship is so fascinating and so I wanted an icon of them even though I don't really talk about the movie often. I kind of use it as my generic incest icon sometimes. The keywords are a quote from the book by Gilbert Adair, describing the scene the icon depicts.

borgias; cesare & lucrezia| a fatal flaw in the logic of love (© deiaaa)
This was another case of a fandom I don't talk about much, but wanting an icon because it was pretty. I love Cesare and Lucrezia's relationship, it's sort of...pure and incestuous at the same time? And goddd this scene and the way he looks at her. ♥ The keywords are a lyric from 'Gone for Good' by The Shins, and-augh, it's kind of saying, there's a flaw in the logic of love if these two people have been made siblings, you know?

weeds; silas | i want to live alone (© thecoinlaundry)
This is really just because Hunter Parrish is pretty. He's so pretty, you guys. I already had a pretty similar icon but I couldn't choose between them, so. The lyric is from Franz Ferdinand and, well, sums up Silas's struggle between his love for his family and his desire for independence.

misc; girls | i do my thing while the girly-girls watch (© exitclosed)
This is just nice-looking. I already have a stock slashy icon so I wanted a stock femslashy icon? Actually, the main focus for me is the lingerie they're wearing, because guh. The keywords are from 'Gimme What You Got' by Amanda Blank, it's just a line that comes across a little bit gay to me. Idk, my keywords make sense to me at the time...

misc; like minds | you're a hideous thing inside (© iconzicons)
THIS MOVIE. It is like a parasite. I watched it a while ago and was scarred for life a little (I don't handle gore well at ALL) but ended up rewatching it recently because I never managed to get it out of my head. The relationship between these two is so interesting. It's so fucked up and slashy and good. Plus, hnng Eddie Redmayne and Tom Sturridge? Ah, and the keywords are from 'Wolf Like Me' by TV On The Radio, like it's Nigel trying to convince Alex they're just as evil as each other.

In other news, fffffffff it is my 21st birthday on Thursday. D: I do not like birthdays lately; getting older freaks me out. And everyone makes a big deal about 21sts, even though it basically means nothing here. Idk, idk, I can haz reassurance?

! (meme)

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