I'm gonna start with the negative stuff, partly to get it out of the way and partly because it's the thing that's like, freshest on my mind or whatever.
I love their friendship a lot, and I know that this was just a friend thing, but...ack. I don't like it. I was kind of just saying "No. No, no," at my TV as it was leading up to it. :/ I just don't get why it had to happen, it makes no sense. Emily is gay, and imo, 'to help a friend out' isn't a good enough reason for her to have sex with a guy. I kind of hope we'll get more explanation there, like that it's something to do with what Katie might've said to her at the club. Because otherwise, I'm really disappointed, and Skins doesn't often disappoint me.
I don't like how Skins has always made losing your virginity seem like THE MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER. It's something that's always bothered me, right from the pilot when Tony was all "omg Sid you're a sixteen year old virgin, this is so embarrassing, WE CANNOT BE FRIENDS UNLESS I PIMP YOU OUT ASAP." I know that it's kinda like that in real life, so it's more of a general annoyance than a Skins annoyance, but it just...with this, it felt especially wrong. Not so much with JJ, because while that's still stupid, I could tell right from the beginning that they were going to make a big deal out of him having sex for the first time, lol. But Emily? She is a sixteen/seventeen year old girl who knows she wants to have sex with girls. There is no need for her to have sex with a boy.
I do believe ~sexuality is fluid~ and everything, but it's not like she actually has feelings for JJ, is it? GAH. I don't know. I just think it's sad, and I really hope they justify it better.
But okay, aside from that, I did enjoy the episode. Quite a lot actually. I adore JJ, and I can't even tell you the number of times I like, wanted to climb inside my TV in order to give him a hug. How anyone could not like this boy is just BEYOND me. HE IS PRECIOUS. ♥ He's also just a really interesting character, I was studying autism in Psychology the other week and the whole thing, idk, it was just really interesting to watch. And he is so oddly endearing when like, going into rages and having swearing outbursts and stuff. I love all the writing on his wall as well.
I'm disappointed that we didn't see HOW THE HELL Freddie/Katie happened, because even though I'd read a spoiler about it, it came out of nowhere. I don't really have a problem with it, it's just random, and EVERYONE IS SLEEPING WITH EVERYONE ON THIS SHOW, SRSLY. Although, it's kind of like that in real life when you have a ~group~ like they do (it wasn't quite this bad with the first generation, though, was it?!).
But yeah, so that was random, but kind of entertaining, I love how snarky Katie is, she's kind of growing on me. Like, not in an actual 'I like her, she seems nice' way, obviously, but...she's growing on me the same way Cook is growing on me. I make no sense, let's move on.
So even with the Katie thing, JJ's "You don't even like Effy--" and "I'm not the one telling fibs," didn't reeeeeally make sense, did they? He can't just have decided Freddie doesn't like Effy because he's fucking Katie, I don't think. WELL WHATEVER. I assume that is actually how it was supposed to be interpreted, but it was pretty ambiguous. Wasn't it? Or is the Cook/Freddie clouding my brain? Idk, I feel like Skins tries to give us the opportunity to ship anyone with anyone, and like, gives little shoutouts to every possible pairing, and lets us take lines how we want to and twist them to fit our own OTPs or whatever. It's nice of them.
Freddie's a dick, by the way. I have more reason to dislike him now, it's not just that he's boring. So now I don't like him OR Cook, but at the same time, I ship them like burning. BURNING. It feels like it's been a really long time since I've got so excited about a TV pairing, I was all "!!" every time the two of them were on screen together.
I still love Effy. I loved her being all "Everybody loves me," to JJ and then thanking him for loving her when he left. The thing with the mango juice was adorable. I didn't really get the whole thing with him supposedly loving her, though, actually. I know it was set up a bit from the beginning but it still felt weak and kind of pointless. I mean, she's AWESOME, but it seemed silly for all three of the guys to have a thing for her. Meh, that's irrelevant now anyway, I'm glad that 'JJ loves Effy' was crossed out on his wall at the end.
Cook/Pandora bothers me. D: I was okay with it when Thomas was away, but now it's like...really, Pandora? Really? WHY? *sigh* I'm glad he found out.
I'm starting to ship Cook/JJ, by the way! I was on the fence about it for a while but that scene in Cook's room sealed the deal for me. I love that JJ yelled at him and then immediately turned around, and I'm SO GLAD Cook hugged him because I would have like, thrown something at the screen if he'd left, PEOPLE NEED TO BE HUGGING JJ AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. And when he called him his fruit bat! And said "Feel the love!" or whatever. And god, the hug was so like, tender or something, the way he curled his hand round the back of JJ's neck kind of made me melt.
Yeah, as much as I love Effy, I am choosing to see this whole thing with the three guys as an EPIC GAY LOVE STORY. Don't judge. It makes more sense this way.
Soooo glad Freddie and JJ saved Cook in the club, omg. And how Freddie was clearly like, worried sick like a mother or something, whilst simultaneously still being really, really mad at him. It was wonderful. Ooh! That reminds me, when Cook and JJ were talking, I loved how Cook said Freddie was 'asking for it' and JJ was like "Asking for what?" because oh, it could have meant so many things.
Glad that even when Cook was being ~honest~ and telling Freddie he could have Effy, Freddie still didn't do anything. But at the same time that just means they're building Freddie/Effy up more so it's a bigger deal when it happens and, meh. I don't want them to get together. HOW GOOD WOULD IT BE IF THEY DIDN'T. I mean, it would be so unexpected. And then Effy could really lose it, because she'd be all heartbroken, even after being all "Nobody breaks my heart." It would be awesome and go against the cliché storyline I was expecting. SHOW, DO THIS.
I liked Effy's brief talk with Naomi, too. I like how she knows about, and understands, the whole Naomi/Emily thing, it's nice. Because everyone else seems to be all judge-y about it to some extent and that sucks. Oh, I don't get what's going on with them, really, though. It seemed like things were mostly sorted after last week. I don't get why Katie seems to have forgotten she saw them kissing, too. I know it's because we haven't had a chance to see Katie and Emily talk properly, and that'll probably happen in their episode, but idk, it's confusing.
Next week looks bizarre, but fun. I like seeing Effy going off the rails. And she kisses Pandora on the forehead. ♥ Yay.
I feel like there was more I had to say, I can never remember everything right after the episode. DISCUSS WITH ME IN THE COMMENTS?