picspam #16 (farscape: the last year of john crichton)

Jun 15, 2010 00:51

caps from

weeeeeelll...i have no idea what came over me when i started this picspam. no idea.
but, hey, i think it looks nice.
might never be able to go back to the old way! ;) we'll see.
the quote from the end is one of the last things john says to his father.
it pretty much sums up john's life from the pilot episode (and long after we last see him).
i don't know what made me focus on season 4.
or on john.
he doesn't get enough love from me. it's mostly aeryn, aeryn, aeryn.
or john/aeryn.
not much stuff by himself.
love ya, john *mwah*

+ picspam, tv: farscape

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