You know how I said I have a built-in, fail-safe timer to get out of my slump? Well, that didn't work out so well. I've been finished with the new Doctor Who episodes for a while now, and that was supposed to be the thing to snap me out of this negative mood. Well I went and started watching the classic series, and I'm only on doctor two of eight. And I was right in some regards: it's a lot harder to watch the classic series because they're not all available on Netflix, so I'm piecing together the available YouTube clips. However, as far as enjoying them, I totally am. They're actually more entertaining than the new ones, in a sense, because of how terrible the special effects are.
But anyway. I know it's not the Doctor's fault that I'm in such a slump. I was actually starting to come out of it a little bit for the last few days...i even spent 3 and a half hours (3 and a half hours!!!) working at school yesterday, which is better than I've done in weeks! But now I have the added sadness in my life that Papa is dying and my niece and nephew are moving to Korea for three years. Yeah, I'm very sad.
I made the realization today that i just have so many things causing stress in my life. The main one is the Christmas concert. Seriously, fuck Christmas. I never thought i would be someone to hate Christmas but having to do this concert is slowly killing me. I'm already having nightmares about it. It makes me not even want to teach anything. Seriously, i have to stop myself from just showing movies all day. It's terrible. I know the same thing happened last year.
What i really need (and you're going to kill me for saying this), is a time machine. If i could just transport myself to December 27th, then everything would be marvelous. Papa will have gone by then, the Christmas concert will be over, and it will be the day after i get my wisdom teeth out, so i can lay around and watch Doctor Who with Joey. That's all i really want to do. How far away is that? 45 days? Omg i think i might die before then.
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