Jul 17, 2010 17:45
[ The explosion that happened days ago was unexpected -but then again, the unexpected are expected in this kind of place. The first speculation that floated around was that it was a bomb, and the scientists was the one to blame again, but apparently it was a beast of some sort. Iceland was curious, but this time, his curiosity doesn't get the best of him. He followed his common sense instead and scrambled out from the apartment in Latimir to safety. He was unsure about where to go, because it seems like none of the places in this goddamn city would be safe to hide. But gut feeling said that he should go to high school, and there are some people who's also heading there, so he tagged along with them and managed to make it to the Mariner high school in one piece. With only a few scratches and whatnot.
That being said, he'd completely forgotten about anything else. Until Denmark mentioned Norway. Things started went downhill from there. Read: he felt the urge to go look for his brother. Sounds like it's a better thing to do, anyway, rather than being stranded in the school. It's not like he got nothing to do, since he helped a few injured people (few as in two or three people, cough), but still. Before he left the high school, he typed a message. ]
[ Text, English: ]
Has anyone find out what exactly caused the explosion?
Anyway, if you haven't head to a safe place, go to the high school.
[ Then off he go into the wild blue yonder looking for Norway. Since going out there without bringing any weapon sounds like you're planning to walk straight into your grave willingly, and he's not that stupid, he brought a ten-foot pole rather long stick he found in the gym. ]
[[ooc: Uh, I'm a derp at plots, and I've been on a(nother) hiatus, so feel free to be the people he helped. And commentlogs are fine, even if you're not Norway. Backdated to the 15th because of the barrier. ]]
type: action post,
no one expects the discedo inquisition!,
it's a miracle he survived,
i hate you and your law murphy,
type: text/journal post,
don't panic,
✈plot: it's raining lavos today,
oh broski,
alas poor childe i know him well,
'sup people he's alive,
iceland strikes back,
meanwhile in emoland,
will cut open a scientist