Okay, my recently-discovered but rapidly-increasing love for Joss Whedon has shot straight through the roof with this one page guest column in next week's TV Guide about the future of television. (Quotes from original scan found
Lost is referenced hilariously:
Lost has that one-of-a-kind alchemy that really can't be copied. Therefore, look for the original series Misplaced, as well as Unfound, Not So Much With The Whereabouts and Just Pull Over And Ask!.
And of course there is the Firefly snark:
And what of me? My short-lived series Firefly was the basis for the epic action film "Serenity" (availible on DVD December 20! I have little or no shame), and the future will see even more incarnations of this visionary work, as it returns to TV as Serenity: The Firefly Years, then back to film as "Firefly: Serenity's Sequel," back to TV as SereniFly, and finally end as the direct-to-eyeglasses series Choose A Damn Name Already. I promise it'll be as heartwarming and exciting as the original "Serenity," availible on DVD December 20. (Explain again this thing you call shame...)
And there is this all-too-true gem:
Approximately 67 percent of all television will be CSI-based, including CSI: Des Moines, CSI: New York But A Different Part Than Gary Sinise Is In and NCSI: SVU WKRP, which covers every possible crime with a groovin' '70s beat.
...and why again didn't I just transcribe the whole damn thing and say "just read this"?