OOC: LOG POST; Remus/Lily

Aug 26, 2007 05:18


No one was here to see it except characters involved, etc. etc. etc.

Who: Remus and Lily ♥
What: Talking about a certain Hex Remus set up >D and FEELING THE BUMP!! X3
When: Tonight? :|
How: Well you see. Meg was typing. And then I was typing. And then suddenly there was a log.

Notes: You should read this log and not the Sirius/Regulus one, because Meg/Snuzz is superior to Skelly/Rabid. TRUFAXX, BRAWL. TRUU. FAXX.

Also this is cute and Lily and Remus are evil. X3

Lily turned off the computer monitor and hobbled off her chair. It was
getting a little more difficult to move around, but she was still rather
mobile for the most part. All those years of dodging around the halls at
Hogwarts, trying to outsmart James must have been good for
something, she supposed.

She made her way to the kitchen. Remus had said he'd come visit with a
rather Interesting Story sometime soon and she was looking forward to it.

She set the tea to boil and checked in on the cookies she had set in
the oven earlier.

Remus floo'd in a few minutes later, carrying some fresh flowers for the
table which he then had to brush the soot off of. "Lily," he smiled,
handing her the slightly dusty flowers, "you're looking lovely today."
He leaned over and pressed a friendly kiss to her cheek. "How's my
godson doing?"

Lily laughed as Remus handed her the sooty flowers and gave her a kiss.
Such was the character of Remus J. Lupin and she really wouldn't have
had it any other way.

"Just as active as ever. I think he's trying to kick his way out of my
stomach. And how are you, Remus?"

Remus grinned, "Means he'll be a healthy baby then, right?" He smiled
fondly down at the babybump. "I'm so pleased for you, Lily. You know
that, right?"

"I do hope so," Lily said, resting her hand on top of her stomach. She
smiled at Remus before gesturing for him to sit down. "Of course, Remus.
I'm hoping this one rather gets a chance to grow up surrounded by all of
us rather than nobody."

"I do hope you're right. I'd love to watch him grow up too, I'm sure
you'll raise him well." He smiled and covered Lily's hand with his
own. "May I feel him?"

"We'll raise him well. All of us together," she smiled. She
looked at Remus fondly, remembering how happy he had been the
last time she'd gone through this. "Of course. James feels for
him so often, I think he feels out of place if someone isn't
trying to."

Remus chuckled warmly, moving his hand over the bump. "We will indeed."
He grew quiet for a long moment before a smile grew across his face. "I
felt him." He grinned brightly up at Lily, "he's going to be beautiful."

Lily laughed. "I think I did too. James says this one's going to be a
beater. And I can't say I disagree."

She gestured for him to sit down while she waddled over to the teapot.

"I wouldn't be surprised, quite a kick he's got there!" Remus chuckled
and took the seat indicated. "I smell biscuits, don't I?"

"Of course. Do you think I would let you come over without baking
something that contains chocolate chips?" Lily said, checking on the
BISCUITS in retrospect.

"Lily," Remus laughed, "I really do adore you. James is lucky to have
such a smart wife." He dusted off the flowers a bit more and arranged
them neatly in the vase on the table. "Can I help with the tea while
you're doing that?"

"You know. You lot keep saying this every time I do something that you
like. It's almost as though I'm loved only for my cooking and pepperup
potion," Lily said thoughtfully. She nodded. "That would be lovely
actually. It's almost done. As soon as it starts whistling."

"Really, Lily. We love you for so many other things too. Your
casserole, for one." He stood and tended to the tea as the whistle
blew, pouring out two cups and bringing them to the table along with
sugar, honey and milk. "I don't think anyone makes cherry pie quite
like you do either. Or is quite so talented at household charms."

"You forget, dear Remus, my many talents at hexes and curses," Lily
grinned as she took the biscuits out of the oven.
"Although perhaps it was the girls of Gryffindor who appreciated me more
for those than you lot."

Remus inhaled the wonderful sent of freshly baked biscuits. "True
enough, and I'm not a bad hand at hexes myself." He stood again to help
her into her seat, that bump seemed to be making life rather difficult
for her.

Lily nodded to him, appreciating the help. "I seem to be hearing quite a
bit of these hexing abilities of yours, Remus. Do share."

Remus sat back down with a laugh, pulling his tea towards him. "Just
let me try one of these biscuits and I'll tell you the whole story,
shall I?"

"Have one, have two, have three if you'd like," Lily said, picking up
her own cup of tea. "As long as I hear the full story in the end."

"I may have to, at that." Remus sighed, eating the first one.
"Delicious, as always." He paused for some tea. "I'm sure you realize
this concerns Sirius and Regulus." He stopped, rather hating this part
of the conversation already.

"Mhmm," Lily said over her cup of tea. She had, perhaps, guessed half of
this already, but confirmation was always nice.

"Apparently..." Remus took a quick sip of tea, "Apparently Regulus has
something of a Thing for Sirius. I knew something about him felt
off." He reaches for another biscuit and munches thoughtfully.

"Ah. Yes, well, I surmised as much," Lily said, sipping more of her tea.

"Apparently he had kissed him. Multiple times." That admission
required a rather longer break for tea.

Lily drank more of her tea and studied Remus's face. It was calm, yet
she could tell that it bothered him.

"I see. And Sirius responded how?"

"Apparently kissing him back." He frowned into his tea. "And never
bothered to mention it."

"Oh," Lily said, frowning as well. She picked up a biscuit and twirled
it between her fingers. "It has been a while since the two have
seen each other, I suppose. That whole faked-death bit. Hm."

Remus set the tea down with a sigh. "I really don't think that excuses
anything. Regardless, I found out."

"Of course it doesn't," Lily agreed, taking a bite of the biscuit. "How
did you find out?"

"Pestered it out of Regulus, of course. Apparently he finds me rather
intimdating." Remus smirked and took another bite of warm, gooey
chocolate goodness. "Rather useful, that."

"And whyever would he find you that?" Lily said, rather amused. "Not as
though you concoct rather painful and border-line life-threatening
revenge plans, hm?"

"Oh I'm sure I don't know." Remus laughed and sipped his tea again. "I
think I rather managed to solve the problem though. In the most elegant
way possible, of course."

"Ah. Now we get to it," Lily grinned. "Do tell me how you so effectively
managed to attack Regulus's stomach lining from afar."

Remus grinned and leaned forward over the table with his tea, all
academic and prankster sides of him combined in this instant. "I
attatched a hex to Sirius, actually. So that whenever Regulus so much
as touched him he would start vomitting uncontrolably." He paused and
grinned even more evilly. "On Sirius."

Lily choked on her tea and had to spend a few minutes coughing to get
the water out of her lungs.

"You did-- What?" she wheezed, laughter still threatening to
burst forth. "You-- Sirius-- Oh Remus. You are an evil

Remus laughed loudly, "I suppose that would be an accurate desciption.
It just seemed the most logical thing to do at the moment, I must admit,
but it seems to have worked rather well. So far." He grinned again,
"and I haven't lifted it yet."

Lily was far too interested and amused by this confession, which only
went to show that combined, Lily and Remus were probably the two most
frightening students that Hogwarts had never expected.

"And does your dearly beloved know what is attached to his back?"

"I believe he's gotten the idea, yes. If not, he was clearly enjoying
the vomit far more than he should have." He grinned and returned to
calmly sipping his tea. "Regulus seems to have worked it out at least."

"There's no fun or glory in revealing your own tricks to another," Lily
nodded, taking a bite of her biscuit in amusement. "I do wonder how long
it will take them to work out how to break it."

"There's plenty of fun in revealing it to someone who can share your
amusement about it, but none at all in giving warning to those affected,
you're quite right." Remus smiled brightly at Lily. "I've no
intentions of helping them."

"Dare I say, it's even more entertaining to watch said afflicted ones
flounder as they try to do so?" Lily grinned. "I have ever intention of
watching them fail and laughing as they do so."

Remus snickered into his tea. Lily was just as evil as he could be,
they made a terrifying team. "I do hope you don't mind if I join
you in that."

"Not at all, dear Remus. The more the merrier," she said, lifting her
cup of tea in toast.

Remus toasted with a evil smirk. "It should certainly prove
interesting, that's for certain."

"And why shouldn't it? We are the brains, aren't we?" Lily said,
clinking cups with him.

"Quite true indeed. It takes little effort to look up a hex and cast
it, but to modify and combine without negating effects? That takes a
special sort of talent." He grinned and looked down at the bump.
addressing it. "Get your mum to teach you that sort of thing, your da's
pants at it."

Lily grinned and patted The Bump. "And if I prove to be inadequate, it
seems your Godfather had quite the evil streak in him."

Remus shook his head in amusement. "Really, I don't think he needs to
learn quite everything about my evil ways anytime soon."

"All in due time, yes? We have quite a few years of stories to tell
ahead of us," Lily said, smiling fondly at The Bump. "And I don't doubt
you'll continue adding to your resume."

"I think it would be rather impossible not to. I seem to collect new
and interesting stories every few hours, living with Sirius." He smiled
fondly, finishing the last of his tea. "He taught The Plant to throw
knitting needles at intruders today."

"That's effective. However, I wouldn't trust Sirius anywhere near
knitting needles to begin with, so the question arises as to how The
Plant would aquire and be taught such a thing to begin with."

"Ah, that. Of course." Remus's cheeks turned a light shade of red.
"I'm sure I've no idea where those came from."

Lily watched Remus in entertainment.

"If it makes you feel any better, James likes to bake when he thinks no
one's watching."

Remus sighed and grinned, "It does, actually. Just don't....mention the
knitting bit to James?"

"Ah. Wouldn't dream of it. Of course, are you sure Sirius hasn't let
anything slip yet?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm sure I'll find out soon enough if he has."

"After your stunt with Regulus, I don't believe Sirius will want to test
you," Lily grinned.

Remus had to laugh at that, "I'm sure you're right. Really though,
people should know not to be so foolish."

"I've found, Remus, that not a lot of people are endowed with what I
like to call common sense," Lily said as she finished off her tea.

"You make a valid point at that," Remus gathered the things from tea and
took them to the sink.

Lily managed to wobble to her feet and went to search the cabinets for a
tin to put the biscuits in. "I've been known to do so every once in a

"And you do it so well too." Remus smiled and pulled a tin off the top
shelf from where Lily had been looking. "Anything I can do to help?"

"No, I think this about wraps it up," Lily said, gratefully accepting
the tin from Remus. She stacked all of the extra cookies in it before
snapping it shut. Then she turned to him. "For you, Mssr. Moony."

Remus took the cookies gratefully. "You really are an angel. Remember
to give me a call if you ever need anything, right?"

"Of course. And remember to send me an owl should you ever need help
teaching Sirius a lesson," Lily smiled. She reached up to give Remus a
kiss on the cheek.

He returned the kiss with a smile. "Give my best to James then." He
patted the bump fondly one more time before turning to the floo. "Thank
you for listening, Lily. As always."

"Thank you for being my source of sanity, Remus. As always." She gave
him a friendly wave before he disappeared into the emerald flames.

And when Remus got home, he was definitely not sharing the biscuits.

remus and lily, log

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