Title: The World Behind the World: Part I
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean; Sparrington
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I have no claim on POTC or the lovely characters who populate it, even if it seems that James Norrington has, somewhat disconcertingly, made himself quite at home in my head with no apparent plans to leave. Jack Sparrow's habit dropping
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*giddy sigh*
Before I go on to babble a little inanely, however, I'd like to say two things: Sahara and Antarctica should be capitalized, and Antarctica should probably be changed to Siberia or Arctic - the Antarctic was still unknown territory at almost any time PotC could possibly be set. And though you're imagery was quite lovely - I'm quite fond of the your tiger-obsession, I must say - I felt you went a little heavy on the steel/ice/cold/etc references at times. A few too many in succession, perhaps.
Now for the giddiness! I always enjoy your writing, and your characterization of Norrington and you did a wonderful job this time around! But on top of that you did the classic Sparrington banter quite well and even made me laugh in astonishment (not that it isn't always entertaining) because once or twice... you provided something I don't recall ever seeing in Sparrington banter trope before: esp. this: "“Not much else on hand to work with, however. Your gallows aren’t exactly located for a handy escape from your fort and its guards.”
“Thank you.”"
And the line about James being a sailor, after all, referencing the rum, I swear, you stole it straight from my head!
And on top of all that, you had a lovely couple Jack Sparrow thought-process moments... this was the best: "Distraction, distraction, I need a... He looked up, and his train of thought switched tracks. Parrot."
This story has been, for the most part, an exercise in banter, because its terribly fun. I'm glad you like it, and that I've been able to catch you off-guard with the more creative bits now and then.
In this fic, I've been trying to put more work into an accurate portrayal of Jack, because I feel that in my previous fics, his characterization and thought processes have taken a backseat to James', and I feel guilty for neglecting him, especially given that I've honestly had Jack Sparrow in my head for a lot longer than I've had James Norrington. Also, Jack is very easy to accidentally overkill on in his mannerisms, speech patterns, et cetera, because of how fine a line he walks between character and caricature, so I'm also challenging myself to toe that line. It's good to hear that my efforts are not in vain.
Have you? Well, its showing through! I hadn't really noticed any specific lack of Jack, but perhaps that was because most everything else was more Norrie-centric. And I quite agree with you - I personally think of Jack as being very aware of how he is acting, and of 'story' (hence his little dramatic moments, like the fall off the wall, etc). And he is so easy to write OOC! But at the same time, if he's only slightly OOC it can still work, at times.
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