30 Days of The West Wing: Day 19

Jul 09, 2014 23:11

Here is the meme in case anyone else would like to join in:

Day 1: Favorite Season
Day 2: Favorite Episode
Day 3: Favorite Song Used In An Episode
Day 4: Favorite Female Character
Day 5: Favorite Male Character
Day 6: Favorite Friendship
Day 7: Favorite Romance
Day 8: Least Favorite Female Character
Day 9: Least Favorite Male Character
Day 10: Least Favorite Season
Day 11: Least Favorite Romance
Day 12: Least Favorite Episode
Day 13: Favorite Bartlet that isn't the President
Day 14: Favorite Secret Service Agent
Day 15: Episode You Like That Others Hate
Day 16: Character You Relate To The Most
Day 17: Character Who Didn’t Get Enough Screen Time
Day 18: Character You Like That Others Hate
Day 19: Best President Bartlet-centric Episode
Day 20: Best Leo McGarry-centric Episode
Day 21: Best Toby Ziegler-centric Episode
Day 22: Best C.J. Gregg-centric Episode
Day 23: Best Joshua Lyman-centric Episode
Day 24: Most Harrowing Scene
Day 25: Favorite The West Wing Quote
Day 26: Two Characters You Wanted To Get Together That Never Did
Day 27: Cutest/Most Adorable Moment
Day 28: Character You Love To Hate
Day 29: Episode You Hate That Others Love
Day 30: What You Think Made TWW So Great

Day 19: Best President Bartlet-centric Episode

My top five President Bartlet-centric episodes are "Let Bartlet Be Bartlet" (S1), "Two Cathedrals" (S2), "Night Five" (S3), "Game On" (S4), and "Shutdown" (S5).

I love Game On, Shutdown and Let Bartlet Be Bartlet because they all feature the President at the top of his game, shaming his Republican opponents or deciding to stand up for his beliefs. I love Night Five because it makes up for what a jerk he is in the previous episode to Toby, and it's nice to see him deal with his past.

There's no question though, that my favorite episode that focuses on the President is Two Cathedrals. It's one of the best episodes of the show, period, and probably one of the best episodes of any show I've ever seen. The writing and flashbacks and emotional punch are all brilliant, and the President is amazing ranting in Latin and hallucinating with grief, only to follow that up by making the crazy choice to run again. I just love it.

And...an icon!

Thanks for reading. :)

See you tomorrow for Day 20!

memes, the west wing, icons, 30 days of the west wing

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